Earthrise 1: Historic Image Remastered
Image Credit: NASA, Apollo 8 Crew, Bill Anders; Processing and License: Jim Weigang
Explanation: “Oh my God! Look at that picture over there! Here’s the Earth coming up. Wow is that pretty!” Soon after that pronouncement, 50 years ago today, one of the most famous images ever taken was snapped from the orbit of the Moon. Now known as “Earthrise”, the iconic image shows the Earth rising above the limb of the Moon, as taken by the crew of Apollo 8. But the well-known Earthrise image was actually the second image taken of the Earth rising above the lunar limb — it was just the first in color. With modern digital technology, however, the real first Earthrise image — originally in black and white — has now been remastered to have the combined resolution and color of the first three images. Behold! The featured image is a close-up of the picture that Apollo 8 astronaut Bill Anders was talking about. Thanks to modern technology and human ingenuity, now we can all see it. (Historical note: A different historic black & white image of the Earth setting behind the lunar limb was taken by the robotic Lunar Orbiter 1 two years earlier.)
Tomorrow’s picture: moon holder
影像提供: NASA, Apollo 8 Crew, Bill Anders; 影像处理与授权: Jim Weigang
说明: “老天啊!快看这边,地球正在升起。哇!真美丽啊!” 五十年前的今天,就在发出这种赞叹后不久,人类在绕月轨道上拍下了史上最著名的影像之一。这幅现在名为“地出”,由阿波罗8号组员所拍摄的标志性影像,记录了地球从月球临边升起的景象。这张著名的地出照片,虽然是此景象的首张彩色照片,但其实是地球从月球后方升起的第二幅影像记录。而真正的首张黑白照片,在经过现代数位科技的重制后,同时拥有头 三张 影像的色彩和解析度。此处呈现的这幅主题影像,是阿波罗8号太空人安德斯所见的t场景之特写,敬请鉴赏!借助于现代科技和人类的巧思,我们现在都能一起来感受。 (历史注记:另一张记录地球落向月亮临边的历史性黑白影像,是更早二年由无人月球轨道船1号所拍摄。)
明日的图片: moon holder