Crepuscular Moon Rays over Denmark
Image Credit & Copyright: Ruslan Merzlyakov (astrorms)
Explanation: This moon made quite an entrance. Typically, a moonrise is quiet and serene. Taking a few minutes to fully peek above the horizon, Earth’s largest orbital companion can remain relatively obscure until it rises high in the nighttime sky. About a week ago, however, and despite being only half lit by the Sun, this rising moon put on a show — at least from this location. The reason was that, as seen from Limfjord in Nykøbing Mors, Denmark, the moon rose below scattered clouds near the horizon. The result, captured here in a single exposure, was that moonlight poured through gaps in the clouds to created what are called crepuscular rays. These rays can fan out dramatically across the sky when starting near the horizon, and can even appear to converge on the other side of the sky. Well behind our Moon, stars from our Milky Way galaxy dot the background, and our galaxy’s largest orbital companion — the Andromeda galaxy — can be found on the upper left.
Almost Hyperspace: Random APOD Generator
Tomorrow’s picture: tree north
影像提供与版权: Ruslan Merzlyakov (astrorms)
说明: 这轮明月相当特殊。月出是很静谧的景观,通常要历时数分钟,这颗地球最大的轨道伙伴才会完全浮出地平线之上,而且可以保持相对低调,直到它高悬在夜空中。然而大约在一星期前,尽管在日曜之下,只是半明半暗的上弦月,至少从此位置看出去,这轮冉冉升起的明月带来了很精采的景观。原因是:从丹麦尼克宾莫斯镇的利姆水道看出去,月亮从地平线附近的零散云层下方的升起。在摄于该时的单曝光照片,记录了月光从云缝倾泻而下所形成的云隙光。这些源自地平面附近的光束,除了在天空看似开展如扇之外,甚至看似重新会聚在天空的另一侧。远在我们月亮后方的银河系恒星,则散布在背景各处,而在左上角,更可以见到我们银河系最大的轨道伙伴─仙女座星系。
几乎超空间: 随机APOD生成器
明日的图片: tree north