Solar Eclipse from a Ship
Image Credit: Fred Espenak
Explanation: Along a narrow path that mostly avoided landfall, the shadow of the New Moon raced across planet Earth’s southern hemisphere on April 20 to create a rare annular-total or hybrid solar eclipse. From the Indian Ocean off the coast of western Australia, ship-borne eclipse chasers were able to witness 62 seconds of totality though while anchored near the centerline of the total eclipse track. This ship-borne image of the eclipse captures the active Sun’s magnificent outer atmosphere or solar corona streaming into space. A composite of 11 exposures ranging from 1/2000 to 1/2 second, it records an extended range of brightness to follow details of the corona not quite visible to the eye during the total eclipse phase. Of course eclipses tend to come in pairs. On May 5, the next Full Moon will just miss the dark inner part of Earth’s shadow in a penumbral lunar eclipse.
Total Solar Eclipse of 2023 April Gallery: Notable Submissions to APOD
Tomorrow’s picture: subtle Saturnian moon
影像提供: Fred Espenak
说明: 在4月20日,沿着一道基本上避开陆地的狭窄路径,新月的影子飞掠过地球的南半球,带来一例结合了日环食与日全食的罕见混合日食。从邻近西澳大利亚海岸的印度洋上,搭乘锭泊于全食路径中心线附近船只的追日食者,得以目睹为时62秒的全食阶段。这张摄于船上的日食影像,捕捉到活跃太阳的外层大气(日冕)向太空泛流的壮丽景观。这幅拥有大幅亮度范围的影像,是由11张个别的照片叠合而成,照片的曝光时间介于1/2000秒到1/2秒之间,用以记录全食阶段肉眼难以见到的日冕细微结构。当然,日食与月食往往是成对出现的。在5月5日,下一轮满月将擦过地球黝黑本影的边缘,形成一次半影月食。
2023年4月日全食画廊: 提交给APOD的值得注意的作品
明日的图片: subtle Saturnian moon