The Solar Corona Unwrapped
Image Credit & Copyright: Peter Ward (Barden Ridge Observatory)
Explanation: Changes in the alluring solar corona are detailed in this creative composite image mapping the dynamic outer atmosphere of the Sun during two separate total solar eclipses. Unwrapped from the complete circle of the eclipsed Sun’s edge to a rectangle and mirrored, the entire solar corona is shown during the 2017 eclipse (bottom) seen from Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and the 2023 eclipse from Exmouth, Western Australia. While the 2017 eclipse was near a minimum in the Sun’s 11 year activity cycle, the 2023 eclipse was closer to solar maximum. The 2023 solar corona hints at the dramatically different character of the active Sun, with many streamers and pinkish prominences arising along the solar limb. Of course, the solar corona is only easily visible to the eye while standing in the shadow of the Moon.
NASA Coverage: Total Solar Eclipse of 2024 April 8
Tomorrow’s picture: M51 unwound
影像提供与版权: Peter Ward (Barden Ridge Observatory)
说明: 这幅富有创意的合成影像,细致的呈现了2例不同的全食日之迷人日冕(太阳多变的外层大气)。这张影像把全食日完整的日冕环,拉直成矩形并用镜像的方式呈现,以比较2017年美国杰克森谷镇(下图)及2023年澳洲西部埃克斯茅斯镇日全食期间的日冕。这例2017年的日全食,出现在太阳11年活动周期的极小期,而2023年的日全食,则发生在太阳很贴近活动极大期之时。2023年的日冕暗示,活跃期的太阳具有截然不同的特性,拥有大量的流线结构和突起于太阳临边的粉红日珥。当然,只有站在月亮的影子里,才能轻易的以肉眼见到太阳的日冕。
NASA报道: 2024年4月8日日全食
明日的图片: M51 unwound