电脑模拟: 二颗黑洞合并
Simulation: Two Black Holes Merge
Simulation Credit: Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes Project
Explanation: Relax and watch two black holes merge. Inspired by the first direct detection of gravitational waves in 2015, this simulation plays in slow motion but would take about one third of a second if run in real time. Set on a cosmic stage, the black holes are posed in front of stars, gas, and dust. Their extreme gravity lenses the light from behind them into Einstein rings as they spiral closer and finally merge into one. The otherwise invisible gravitational waves generated as the massive objects rapidly coalesce cause the visible image to ripple and slosh both inside and outside the Einstein rings even after the black holes have merged. Dubbed GW150914, the gravitational waves detected by LIGO are consistent with the merger of 36 and 31 solar mass black holes at a distance of 1.3 billion light-years. The final, single black hole has 63 times the mass of the Sun, with the remaining 3 solar masses converted into energy radiated in gravitational waves.
Today’s Event Horizon: It’s Black Hole Week at NASA!
Tomorrow’s picture: big bad sunspots
电脑模拟: 二颗黑洞合并
模拟提供: Simulating eXtreme Spacetimes Project
说明: 放轻松,并请观看2颗黑洞如何合并。因为受到2015年首次侦测到引力波的启发,而制作的这部慢速播放之模拟影片,如果以真实速度播放大约只历时三分之一秒。设定在宇宙舞台上的这二颗黑洞,位于恒星、云气与尘埃的前方。随着它们盘绕接近最后合并在一起,它们极端强大的引力,把来自后方的光会聚成爱因斯坦环。而这些大质量天体快速合并时所产生的不可见引力波,造成爱因斯坦环内外的可见光影像发生摇晃及溅泼,甚至持续到黑洞已经完成合并之后。这例称为GW150914的LIGO引力波侦测,与距离13亿光年远的36倍及31倍太阳质量黑洞合并之讯号吻合。它们合并之后,形成了一颗63倍太阳质量的黑洞,其余的4个太阳质量则转化成了引力波能量。
今天的事件视界: 这是NASA的黑洞周!
明日的图片: big bad sunspots