


Shadow of a Martian Robot
Image Credit:
NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS, ASU, NeV-T, Perseverance Rover;
Processing & Copyright: Neville Thompson, Gigapan Zoom

Explanation: What if you saw your shadow on Mars and it wasn’t human? Then you might be the Perseverance rover exploring Mars. Perseverance has been examining the Red Planet since 2021, finding evidence of its complex history of volcanism and ancient flowing water, and sending breathtaking images across the inner Solar System. Pictured here in February of 2024, Perseverance looks opposite the Sun and across Neretva Vallis in Jezero Crater, with a local hill visible at the top of the frame. The distinctively non-human shadow of the car-sized rover is visible below center, superposed on scattered rocks. Perseverance, now working without its flying companion Ingenuity, continues to search Mars for signs of ancient life.

Tomorrow’s picture: galaxy on edge

NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS, ASU, NeV-T, Perseverance Rover;
影像处理与版权: Neville Thompson, Gigapan Zoom

说明: 如果你在火星上看见了自已的影像,而你又不是人类,那你可能是正在探索火星毅力号火星车。自2021年起,毅力号就不停的探索这这颗红色行星,除了找到了复杂的火星火山活动历史及远古流水证据,更越过内太阳系空间回传了许多令人屏息的影像。在这张毅力号背对太阳望进耶耶泽罗撞击坑内雷特瓦峡谷的2024年1月影像里,顶端可见到当地的山丘。而很明显非人类、房车大小的火星车之影子,则叠合在影像中心下方的磊磊石块上。不再机智号火星直升机为伴的毅力号,持续进行寻找远古火星生命迹象的任务。

明日的图片: galaxy on edge

1 条回复

  1. 2024年6月5日

    […] Tomorrow’s picture: mystery martian […]

