Prominences and Filaments on the Active Sun
Image Credit & Copyright: Steen Søndergaard
Explanation: This colorized and sharpened image of the Sun is composed of frames recording emission from hydrogen atoms in the solar chromosphere on May 15. Approaching the maximum of solar cycle 25, a multitude of active regions and twisting, snake-like solar filaments are seen to sprawl across the surface of the active Sun. Suspend in the active regions’ strong magnetic fields, the filaments of plasma lofted above the Sun’s edge appear as bright solar prominences. The large prominences seen near 4 o’clock, and just before 9 o’clock around the solar limb are post flare loops from two powerful X-class solar flares that both occurred on that day. In fact, the 4 o’clock prominence is associated with the monster active region AR 3664 just rotating off the Sun’s edge.
Tomorrow’s picture: How to destroy a star.
影像提供与版权: Steen Søndergaard
说明: 这张经过上色和锐化的5月15日太阳影像,是由摄于氢原子发光波段的多幅太阳色球层照片组合而成。随着太阳的第25周期即将迈入极大期,多个活跃区和扭曲的蛇状太阳暗条遍布在活跃太阳的表面上。而受到活跃区强烈磁场局束而悬浮的条状电浆,如果位于太阳的边缘,在视觉上会成为明亮的日珥。在4点钟和9点钟方向附近太阳边缘的2个庞大日珥,是拍照那天爆发2例强烈X级太阳闪焰/耀斑后的日珥环。事实上,4点钟方向的日珥与刚从太阳边缘旋入的庞然活跃区AR 3664有关。
明日的图片: How to destroy a star.