Milky Way Over Tunisia
Image Credit & Copyright: Makrem Larnaout
Explanation: That’s no moon. On the ground, that’s the Lars Homestead in Tunisia. And that’s not just any galaxy. That’s the central band of our own Milky Way galaxy. Last, that’s not just any meteor. It is a bright fireball likely from last year’s Perseids meteor shower. The featured image composite combines consecutive exposures taken by the same camera from the same location. This year’s Perseids peak during the coming weekend is expected to show the most meteors after the first quarter moon sets, near midnight. To best experience a meteor shower, you should have clear and dark skies, a comfortable seat, and patience.
Tomorrow’s picture: wow cloud
影像提供与版权: Makrem Larnaout
说明: 当时天空无月。地面有座落在突尼西亚的拉斯家园。天空的光带也不是寻常的星系,而是银河系的中央盘面。最后,那道亮纹不是常见的流星,而极可能是去年英仙座流星雨的火流星。这幅主题影像,组合自同部相机在同一地点连续拍摄的系列照片。今年英仙座流星雨的极大期将落在这个周末,预期在上弦月西落后的子夜附近,会迎来最多的流星。如想要好好的观赏流星雨,应找个有清朗和幽暗天空的地点,并备妥舒适的座椅和耐心。 (Lars Homestead 拉斯家园;星际大战电影主角路克的家园)
明日的图片: wow cloud