


Eclipse at Sunrise
Image Credit & Copyright:
Wang Letian (Eyes at Night)

Explanation: The second solar eclipse of 2024 began in the Pacific. On October 2nd the Moon’s shadow swept from west to east, with an annular eclipse visible along a narrow antumbral shadow path tracking mostly over ocean, crossing land near the southern tip of South America, and ending in the southern Atlantic. The dramatic total annular eclipse phase is known to some as a ring of fire. Still, a partial eclipse of the Sun was experienced over a wide region. Captured at one of its earliest moments, October’s eclipsed Sun is seen just above the clouds near sunrise in this snapshot. The partially eclipsed solar disk is close to the maximum eclipse as seen from Mauna Kea Observatory Visitor Center, Island of Hawaii, planet Earth.

Tomorrow’s picture: comet at moonrise

Wang Letian(王乐天)Eyes at Night

说明: 2024年的第二例日食始于太平洋。在10月2日,月球的暗影沿着窄窄的环食带从西向东扫掠,不过,可见的区域大多在海上;此次的食带扫过南美洲南端的陆地,最后终结于南大西洋。其中,最壮观的日环食阶段,有“火之环”的称号。而在此次的日食里,很广阔区域可见到日偏食。例如在这幅摄于日食初始阶段的影像里,日出时分的10月偏食日,低悬在云层的上方。当时,从位于地球夏威夷基亚山天文台的拍照地点看出去,这轮部分食缺的日盘,出现在最大食分附近。

明日的图片: comet at moonrise

1 条回复

  1. 2024年10月3日

    […] Survey: Color Blindness and Astronomical Images Tomorrow’s picture: Eclipse at Sunrise […]

