1969年6月,就在发射前一个月,阿波罗11号的宇航员在美国宇航局肯尼迪航天中心继续为他们的登月任务进行训练。6月18日,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗(Neil Armstrong)和巴兹·奥尔德林(Buzz Aldrin)在飞行训练大楼演练了他们的月球表面太空行走,包括练习部署早期阿波罗表面实验套件(EASEP)的一系列实验。实验研究人员到场观察了演练过程。宇航员们还在登月舱和指挥舱模拟器中花费了大量时间演练即将到来的任务的各个阶段。休斯顿载人航天中心任务控制中的飞行控制器团队也参与了其中的许多演练。
In June 1969, just a month before liftoff, the Apollo 11 astronauts continued training at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center for their mission. On June 18, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin rehearsed their lunar surface spacewalk in the Flight Crew Training Building, including practicing deploying the Early Apollo Surface Experiment Package (EASEP) suite of experiments. The investigators for the experiments were present to observe the simulation. The astronauts also spent much time in the Lunar Module and Command Module simulators rehearsing various phases of their upcoming mission. For many of these simulations, the team of flight controllers in Mission Control at the Manned Spacecraft Center in Houston also participated.
In this image, Command Module (CM) pilot Michael Collins practices in the CM simulator on June 19, 1969, at Kennedy Space Center.
Image Credit: NASA