This Feb. 5, 1971, photo gives an excellent view of the Apollo 14 lunar module on the Moon’s surface after landing. At left, we can see that the astronauts – Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell – deployed the U.S. flag before taking this photo of the lunar module.
Shepard and Mitchell touched down in the Fra Mauro highlands region and conducted two moonwalks lasting more than nine hours in total. They set up an experiment package and collected 93 pounds of rock and soil samples to return to waiting scientists on Earth. In the meantime, astronaut Stuart Roosa, who remained in orbit aboard the command module, conducted observations and photography of the lunar surface from orbit. After their 33-hour lunar surface stay, Shepard and Mitchell rejoined Roosa in orbit, and left lunar orbit for the three-day return trip to Earth.
Image credit: NASA
这张拍摄于1971年2月5日的照片清晰展示了阿波罗14号的登月舱在月球表面的着陆情况。在左侧,可以看到宇航员艾伦·谢泼德(Alan Shepard)和埃德加·米切尔(Edgar Mitchell)在拍摄这张登月舱照片之前,已经在月球表面竖立了美国国旗。
谢泼德和米切尔在弗拉·毛罗高地(Fra Mauro Highlands)着陆,并进行了两次共计超过9小时的月面行走。他们在月球上布置了一套科学实验装置,并采集了93磅(约42千克)的岩石和土壤样本,用于带回地球供科学家分析。同时,斯图尔特·鲁萨(Stuart Roosa)宇航员则留在绕月轨道上的指令舱内,对月球表面进行了观测和拍摄。在月球表面停留了33小时后,谢泼德和米切尔与鲁萨会合,并离开月球轨道,踏上为期三天的返回地球之旅。
图片来源: NASA