The full moon rises over the Superdome and the city of New Orleans, Louisiana on Monday evening, January 13, 2025.
New Orleans is home to NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility where several pieces of hardware for the SLS (Space Launch system) are being built. For more than half a century, NASA Michoud has been “America’s Rocket Factory,” the nation’s premiere site for manufacturing and assembly of large-scale space structures and systems.
See more photos from NASA Michoud.
Image credit: NASA/Michael DeMocker
新奥尔良是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)米修装配厂(Michoud Assembly Facility)的所在地,该工厂正在建造太空发射系统(SLS)的多个关键部件。半个多世纪以来,NASA米修装配厂一直被誉为“美国的火箭工厂”,是美国制造和组装大型航天结构和系统的首要基地。
图片来源: NASA/Michael DeMocker