A Quadruple Alignment over Italy
Image Credit & Copyright: Valerio Minato
Explanation: Why does this Moon look so unusual? A key reason is its vivid red color. The color is caused by the deflection of blue light by Earth’s atmosphere — the same reason that the daytime sky appears blue. The Moon also appears unusually distorted. Its strange structuring is an optical effect arising from layers in the Earth’s atmosphere that refract light differently due to sudden differences in temperature or pressure. A third reason the Moon looks so unusual is that there is, by chance, an airplane flying in front. The featured picturesque gibbous Moon was captured about two weeks ago above Turin, Italy. Our familiar hovering sky orb was part of an unusual quadruple alignment that included two historic ground structures: the Sacra di San Michele on the near hill and Basilica of Superga just beyond.
Your Sky Surprise: What picture did APOD feature on your friend’s birthday? (post 1995)
Tomorrow’s picture: star sisters
影像提供与版权: Valerio Minato
说明: 为何这轮明月如此不寻常?其中的主要原因之一,是它鲜红的色泽。这种的红色,源自蓝光受到地球大气的散射移除,而这也与白昼蓝天的成因相同。此外,这轮明月看起来形状扭曲,这种奇特的形状,是不同高度大气层里的温度或气压突然发生异化,因此光受到的折射程度不同所造成的光学效应。再者,月亮之所以显得特别独特,是刚好有飞机从在它的前方飞过。这张以美丽盈凸月为主题的影像,大约是在二星期前摄于意大利的杜林市上空。熟悉的明月当时是罕见四重叠合景观的构件之一,其他的还包括近处山丘上的圣米歇尔修道院及其后方的苏佩尔加大教堂,这二座颇具历史的古建筑。
你的天空惊喜: 你朋友生日时APOD展示了什么照片?(1995年后)
明日的图片: star sisters