NGC 7635: 气泡星云

NGC 7635: 气泡星云

A starfield is shown with a big light bubble in the center. A bright star is toward the upper right in the translucent bubble. To some, the bubble may resemble a skull. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

韦伯影像: NGC 602里的恒星与云气柱

韦伯影像: NGC 602里的恒星与云气柱

A starfield is shown featuring many stars in the center and many pillars of interstellar dust around the edges pointing toward the center. The main image is in infrared light, and a rollover image from Hubble shows the same scene in visible light. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

STEVE: 法国上空形如跨天长河的光弧

STEVE: 法国上空形如跨天长河的光弧

A night sky is shown with a bright red band running overhead. Above the red band is a diffuse red glow. A path through a grassy filed is in the foreground with a path going out toward the horizon. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.

LDN 43: 蝙蝠星云

LDN 43: 蝙蝠星云

A starfield is shown with a large brown dust nebula in the center. The nebula appears, to some, to be shaped like a bat. One of the stars in the dust nebula even appears to be the eye of the bat. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.



这张NASA/ESA哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的螺旋星系是IC 3225。它看起来非常像从大炮中发射出来的一样,,在太空中飞驰,就像一颗彗星,它背后的圆盘上有一条气体尾巴。从地球的角度来看,星系出现的场景非常迷人;许多星系看起来就像被一根绳子吊着一样,平静地悬挂在虚无的太空中,而另一些星系则处于更有活力的环境中!