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A starfield is shown with a long blue-glowing nebula taking up much of the frame. The nebula appears, to some, similar to a fish or a mermaid. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.
A starfield is shown with a a bright orange nebula in the center. The nebula is filamentary and takes up much of the bottom and middle of the frame. The top is most dark with some bright stars. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.
The cratered surface of a large body is shown: Mercury. The largest feature visible is a large impact crater with two rings, near the image center. Arms from the BepiColumbo spacecraft that took the image are seen extending into the image from the top and the right. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.
Earth’s Moon is shown just beyond a rocky hill. The Moon is near full phase. On the hill the silhouette of a person looking through a telescope can be seen. A rollover darkens part of the Moon that looks to some like a human face. Please see the explanation for more detailed information.
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