2022年6月27日 The Gum Nebula over Snowy Mountains Image Credit & Copyright: Wang Jin Explanation: The Gum Nebula is so larg…
CAPSTONE, the pathfinder for NASA’s lunar outpost, will test an orbit around the Moon that has never been flown before. In th…
2022年6月26日 Light Echoes from V838 Mon Image Credit: NASA, ESA, H. E. Bond (STScI) Explanation: What caused this outburst of V…
After completing two additional mirror alignment steps in March 2022, the team confirmed the James Webb Space Telescope’s opt…
2022年6月23日 Spiral Galaxy NGC 6744 Image Credit & Copyright: Basudeb Chakrabarti Explanation: Beautiful spiral galaxy NGC…
The Hubble Space Telescope captured this glittering scene using its Wide Field Camera 3 and Advanced Camera for Surveys. Glob…
2022年5月2日,即该任务的第3462个火星日,NASA的好奇号火星车使用其桅杆摄像机(简称Mastcam)拍摄到了这张硫酸盐沉积区域的照片。在中心附近看到的黑色巨石被认为是由古代溪流或池塘中沉积的沙子所形成。 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Calt…
2022年6月22日 Supernova Remnant: The Veil Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Craig Stocks (Utah Desert Remote Observatories) …