2022年3月6日 Venus and the Triply Ultraviolet Sun Image Credit: NASA/SDO & the AIA, EVE, and HMI teams; Digital Composition…
2022年3月6日 Venus and the Triply Ultraviolet Sun Image Credit: NASA/SDO & the AIA, EVE, and HMI teams; Digital Composition…
2022年3月5日 Interstellar Comet 2I Borisov NASA, ESA, and D. Jewitt (UCLA) et al. Explanation: From somewhere else in the Milky …
In this undated image from the 1960s, Nancy Grace Roman sits in her office in NASA Headquarters. Roman was the first Chief of…
2022年3月5日 The Multiwavelength Crab Image Credit & Copyright: NASA, ESA, G. Dubner (IAFE, CONICET-University of Buenos Ai…
+ NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover snapped this view of a hill in Mars’ Jezero Crater called “Santa Cruz̶…
2022年3月4日 Spiral Galaxy NGC 2841 Image Credit & Copyright: Vitali Pelenjow Explanation: A mere 46 million light-years di…
A United Launch Alliance Atlas V 541 rocket, carrying the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Geostation…
2022年3月2日 Record Prominence Imaged by Solar Orbiter Image Credit: Solar Orbiter, EUI Team, ESA & NASA; h/t: Bum-Suk Yeom…
Rosemary Dobbins was an artist at the Marshall Space Flight Center. Dobbins illustrated many iconic images of the Apollo era,…