As NASA prepares to send astronauts to the Moon through the Artemis Program, engineers are working on technologies that will …
As NASA prepares to send astronauts to the Moon through the Artemis Program, engineers are working on technologies that will …
NASA的帕克太阳探测器首次从太空拍摄了金星表面的可见光图像。 金星的表面被厚厚的云层笼罩,通常看不见。但在最近两次飞越金星时,帕克使用其广角成像仪或 WISPR,以可见光谱的波长(人眼可以看到的光的类型)对整个夜面进行成像,并延伸到近红外波段。 这…
影像来源:NASA 詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜使用近红外相机(NIRCam)校准天文台的主镜,这一耗时数月的过程的第一阶段已接近完成。 该团队面临的挑战有两个:确认NIRCam已经准备好收集来自天体的光,然后在18个主镜段的每个部分中识别来自同一颗恒星的…
This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope feels incredibly three-dimensional for a piece of deep-space imagery. The…
This view of Jupiter was taken by Voyager 1. This image was taken through color filters, recombined to produce the color imag…
2022年2月11日 IC 342: The Hidden Galaxy in Camelopardalis Image Credit & Copyright: Daniel Feller Explanation: Similar in s…
NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei peers at the Earth below from inside the seven-windowed cupola, the International Space Station…