NGC 2438 is a planetary nebula, formed after the death of a Sun-like star. The medium-sized star would have expelled its oute…
NGC 2438 is a planetary nebula, formed after the death of a Sun-like star. The medium-sized star would have expelled its oute…
2021年11月04日 NGC 147 and NGC 185 Image Credit & Copyright: Dan Bartlett Explanation: Dwarf galaxies NGC 147 (left) and NG…
This artists’ impression is of the Mariner 10 mission. Mariner 10, which launched on Nov. 3, 1972, was the first missio…
N44是一个复杂的星云,充满了发光的氢气、黑暗的尘埃带、大质量恒星和许多不同年龄的恒星群。然而,它最显着的特征之一是被称为“超级气泡”的黑暗星空间隙,在这张哈勃太空望远镜图像中上部中央区域可见。 这个黑洞大约有250光年宽,它的存在仍然是一个谜。气泡…
2021年11月02日 SN Requiem: A Supernova Seen Three Times So Far Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble; Data: S. A. Rodney (U. South Car…
Steven Lighthill, an enrolled descendent of the Karuk tribe of northern California, began his lifelong career in art when he …