This picture of the waning gibbous Moon was taken on Jan 29, 2021, the day after its full Moon phase as the International Spa…
Victor Glover, a Navy pilot who has accumulated 3,000 flight hours in more than 40 aircraft, over 400 carrier arrested landin…
The STS-107 crewmembers strike a ‘flying’ pose for their traditional in-flight crew portrait in the SPACEHAB Research Double …
2021年02月04日 Apollo 14: A View from Antares Image Credit: Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14, NASA; Mosaic – Eric M. Jones Explan…
2021年2月的观星亮点有哪些?在日落之后的一个月寻找火星,特别是2月18日NASA计划登陆火星的夜晚。然后,在月亮造访双子星的明亮恒星之前,请先观看月亮在冬季大圆圈上滑行。 首先,随着NASA准备在2月18日将其最新的漫游者毅力号登陆火星,人们对这…
2021年02月03日 Found on the Moon: Candidate for Oldest Known Earth Rock Video Credit: NASA, Astromaterials 3D, Erika Blumenfeld …
2021年02月02日 A Colorful Quadrantid Meteor Image Credit & Copyright: Frank Kuszaj Explanation: Meteors can be colorful. Wh…
The life of a planetary nebula is often chaotic, from the death of its parent star to the scattering of its contents far out …