

Not every flight director is a legend, but some are. Take Eugene Kranz, for example. His heroic efforts saved the Apollo 13 mission from disaster. He also was an aerospace engineer, fighter pilot in the Korean War, and as Chief Flight Director, he directed missions from the Gemini and Apollo programs, including the first lunar landing mission, Apollo 11. He was also known for his white vests, all hand made by his wife Marta. One of those vests is now hanging in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Flight directors, like Kranz, are responsible for leading teams of flight controllers, research and engineering experts, and support personnel around the world, and making the real-time decisions critical to keeping NASA astronauts safe in space. Currently, NASA…



This NOAA/NASA Suomi NPP satellite image from Sept. 7, 2020, shows the night band image of the Creek Fire at night as well as the smoke from the fire causing lights at night to diffuse or “bloom.” NASA’s satellite instruments are often the first to detect wildfires burning in remote regions, and the locations of new fires are sent directly to land managers worldwide within hours of the satellite overpass. Together, NASA instruments detect actively burning fires, track the transport of smoke from fires, provide information for fire management, and map the extent of changes to ecosystems, based on the extent and severity of burn scars. NASA has a fleet of Earth-observing instruments, many of which contribute to our understanding of fire in the Earth…



2020年9月10日 Jupiter’s Swimming Storm Image Credit & Copyright: Andy Casely Explanation: A bright storm head with a long turbulent wake swims across Jupiter in these sharp telescopic images of the Solar System’s ruling gas giant. Captured on August 26, 28, and September 1 (left to right) the storm approximately doubles in length during that period. Stretching along the jetstream of the planet’s North Temperate Belt it travels eastward in successive frames, passing the Great Red Spot and whitish Oval BA, famous storms in Jupiter’s southern hemisphere. Galilean moons Callisto and Io are caught in the middle frame. In fact, telescopic skygazers following Jupiter in planet Earth’s night have reported dramatic fast moving storm outbreaks over the past few weeks in Jupiter’s North Temperate Belt. Tomorrow’s…



Star Trek debuted 54 years ago on Sept. 8, 1966. Fans of the television science fiction series Star Trek were saddened when the show’s final episode aired on June 3, 1969. It seemed like the end of a very short era, as the program had only been on the air for three seasons. But, the show and its influence continue. In the documentary “NASA on the Edge of Forever: Science in Space,” host NASA astronaut Victor Glover states, “Science and Star Trek go hand-in-hand.” The film explores how for the past 50 years, Star Trek has influenced scientists, engineers, and even astronauts to reach beyond their potential. While the ISS doesn’t speed through the galaxy like the Starship Enterprise, much of the research conducted aboard…



2020年9月9日 Pleiades: The Seven Sisters Star Cluster Image Credit & Copyright: Raul Villaverde Fraile Explanation: Have you ever seen the Pleiades star cluster? Even if you have, you probably have never seen it as large and clear as this. Perhaps the most famous star cluster on the sky, the bright stars of the Pleiades can be seen without binoculars from even the depths of a light-polluted city. With a long exposure from a dark location, though, the dust cloud surrounding the Pleiades star cluster becomes very evident. The featured exposure covers a sky area several times the size of the full moon. Also known as the Seven Sisters and M45, the Pleiades lies about 400 light years away toward the constellation of the Bull (Taurus)….



2020年9月8日 GW190521: Unexpected Black Holes Collide Illustration Credit: Raúl Rubio (Virgo Valencia Group, The Virgo Collaboration) Explanation: How do black holes like this form? The two black holes that spiraled together to produce the gravitational wave event GW190521 were not only the most massive black holes ever seen by LIGO and VIRGO so far, their masses — 66 and 85 solar masses — were unprecedented and unexpected. Lower mass black holes, below about 65 solar masses are known to form in supernova explosions. Conversely, higher mass black holes, above about 135 solar masses, are thought to be created by very massive stars imploding after they use up their weight-bearing nuclear-fusion-producing elements. How such intermediate mass black holes came to exist is yet unknown, although one…



2020年9月7日 The Milky Way over St Michael’s Mount Image Credit: Simon R. Hudson Explanation: Where do land and sky converge? On every horizon — but in this case the path on the ground leads to St Michael’s Mount (Cornish: Karrek Loos yn Koos), a small historic island in Cornwall, England. The Mount is usually surrounded by shallow water, but at low tide is spanned by a human-constructed causeway. The path on the sky, actually the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy, also appears to lead to St Michael’s Mount, but really lies far in the distance. The red nebula in the Milky Way, just above the castle, is the Lagoon Nebula, while bright Jupiter shines to the left, and a luminous meteor flashes to…



2020年9月6日 M1: The Crab Nebula from Hubble Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble, J. Hester, A. Loll (ASU) Explanation: This is the mess that is left when a star explodes. The Crab Nebula, the result of a supernova seen in 1054 AD, is filled with mysterious filaments. The filaments are not only tremendously complex, but appear to have less mass than expelled in the original supernova and a higher speed than expected from a free explosion. The featured image, taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, is presentedi in three colors chosen for scientific interest. The Crab Nebula spans about 10 light-years. In the nebula’s very center lies a pulsar: a neutron star as massive as the Sun but with only the size of a small town….

本周NASA速递(2020.9.4 )

本周NASA速递(2020.9.4 )

阿耳忒弥斯任务(Artemis)的火箭助推器发动测试;寻找新的飞行负责人;一项地球观测任务确定了发射日期……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! Credit:NASA 9月2日,NASA对一个固体火箭助推器进行了全面测试,它类似用于太空发射系统(Space Launch System,SLS)火箭和猎户座(Orion)飞船的一对火箭助推器,后者将用于前往月球的阿耳忒弥斯任务。在阿耳忒弥斯发射的前2分钟,这两个助推器将提供超过75%的总推力。 NASA正在招聘新的飞行主管,在前往国际空间站(International Space Station)和月球的人类飞行任务中领导训练有素的团队。符合要求的美国公民可以在9月10日之前申请,详情请见nasa.gov/careers。 Credit:NASA 哨兵6号迈克尔·弗赖利克(Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich)地球观测卫星定于11月10日发射,发射地为加利福尼亚的范登堡空军基地(Vandenberg Air ForceBase)。NASA和欧洲空间局(European SpaceAgency)的这次合作将在太空中持续数十年观测全球的海平面上升情况。 Credit:NASA 利用NASA 30年的卫星数据,有史以来规模最大的冰川湖泊研究发现,自1990年以来,由于气候变化导致的冰川融化和后退,让这些湖泊在全球的数量增加了约50%。这些发现能帮我们确定这些湖泊下游社区所面对的威胁、更准确地估计海平面上升、更好地了解冰川融水是如何流进海洋的。 同温层红外天文台(Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy,SOFIA)因新冠疫情于3月中旬被暂停使用后,现已重新恢复科学运作。随着确保登机人员安全和健康的新程序就位,该项目计划恢复每周大约4次的定期观察性飞行,对星系的化学性质进行研究。 Credit:NASA 作为波音公司2020年环保验证机(ecoDemonstrator)计划的一部分,NASA两个研究项目的结果或有助于开发更安静、更省油、更少运行延迟的未来飞机技术。 以上就是「本周 NASA」的全部内容!更多详细信息请访问 nasa.gov/twan。



The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s primary mirror, which will collect and focus light from cosmic objects near and far, has been completed. Using this mirror, Roman will capture stunning space vistas with a field of view 100 times greater than Hubble images. Roman will peer through dust and across vast stretches of space and time to study the universe using infrared light, which human eyes can’t see. The amount of detail these observations will reveal is directly related to the size of the telescope’s mirror, since a larger surface gathers more light and measures finer features. In this image, the Roman Space Telescope’s primary mirror reflects an American flag. Image Credit: L3Harris Technologies 南茜·格蕾丝·罗曼太空望远镜的主镜已经完成,它将收集和聚焦远近宇宙物体的光线。利用这面镜子,罗曼太空望远镜将以比哈勃望远镜大100倍的视野捕捉令人惊叹的太空景象。 罗曼太空望远镜将透过尘埃和广阔的空间和时间,利用人眼看不到的红外光研究宇宙。这些观察结果所揭示的细节数量与望远镜镜面的大小直接相关,因为较大的镜面能收集更多的光线,并能测量出更精细的特征。 在这张图片中,罗曼太空望远镜的主镜反射了一面美国国旗。 图片来源:L3Harris Technologies