NASA人类航天工作选出了新领导;下一个火星探测器增添了新的核心功能;NASA未来的挥发物调查极地探索月球漫游车(VolatilesInvestigating Polar Exploration Rover,VIPER)有了新进展……最近新闻速递,尽…
NASA人类航天工作选出了新领导;下一个火星探测器增添了新的核心功能;NASA未来的挥发物调查极地探索月球漫游车(VolatilesInvestigating Polar Exploration Rover,VIPER)有了新进展……最近新闻速递,尽…
Looking deep into the universe, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope catches a passing glimpse of the numerous arm-like struct…
This illustration imagines the view from NASA’s Cassini spacecraft during one of its final dives between Saturn and its…
2020 June 12 NGC 2359: Thor’s Helmet Image Credit & Copyright: Martin Pugh Explanation: NGC 2359 is a helmet-shape…
2020 June 12 NGC 2359: Thor’s Helmet Image Credit & Copyright: Martin Pugh Explanation: NGC 2359 is a helmet-shape…
美国国家航空航天局(NASA)正在发挥其超级计算能力的能力,以帮助解决关于COVID-19的一些最紧迫的问题,包括关于病毒如何与人体细胞相互作用的基础科学、遗传风险因素和潜在治疗药物的筛选。 NASA位于加利福尼亚州硅谷的艾姆斯研究中心(Ames R…
星链任务。 图片来源:NASA太空飞行(NASASpaceflight) 北京时间6月4日上午9:25,SpaceX又发射了一批星链(Starlink)互联网卫星,让我们头顶上的星链卫星总数达到了482,向SpaceX的1584颗卫星部署目标又迈进了…
Like a wisp of electric green smoke, the aurora australis seemingly intersects with the Earth’s airglow as the Internat…
Japan’s resupply ship, the H-II Transfer Vehicle-9 (HTV-9), is pictured attached to the International Space StationR…
Much of Mars is covered by sand and dust but in some places stacks of sedimentary layers are visible. In this image, exquisit…