Lightning flashes from a storm cloud to strike the ground. Such bolts represent only a small part of the overall phenomenon o…
Lightning flashes from a storm cloud to strike the ground. Such bolts represent only a small part of the overall phenomenon o…
The samples Apollo 11 brought back to Earth from the Moon were humanity’s first from another celestial body. NASA’…
挪威斯瓦尔巴群岛北极地区的一个小冰川,由美国宇航局的空中热带对流层顶实验(ATTREX)拍摄。这是冰层加速融化导致淡水资源枯竭的七个地区之一。 来源:NASA/John Sonntag 一项新的研究显示,在全球冰量损失最严重的地区中,有七个正在加速融…
A small glacier in the Arctic region of Norwegian archipelago Svalbard, as photographed by NASA’s Airborne Tropical Tro…
2020 June 3 The Dance of Venus and Earth Video & Text Credit: James O’Donoghue (JAXA); Data: NASA, HORIZONS; h/t: …
Credit:NASA 北京时间5月31日22时17分,经过近19个小时的飞行,NASA宇航员Bob Behnken和Doug Hurley乘坐的载人龙飞船抵达空间站,当时空间站位于中国和蒙古边界上方422公里。这是载人龙飞船第二次抵达空间站,并实现…
来源:NASA 准备“美国发射”;一架货运飞船抵达空间站;下一个火星探测器的侦查能力……最近新闻速递,尽在「上周NASA」!
On Saturday, May 30, 2020, a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the company’s Crew Dragon spacecraft launched on NASA’s Sp…