Northrup Grumman’s Cygnus resupply ship, with its prominent cymbal-shaped UltraFlex solar arrays, is pictured in the gr…
2015年,当新视野号宇宙飞船经过冥王星时,它的图像显示出的众多迷人特征之一是,这个遥远的太阳系中寒冷的小星球有着朦胧的大气层。现在,新的数据有助于解释冥王星的薄雾是如何形成的,它是由37亿英里以外的太阳在不寻常的轨道上移动时形成的。 NASA的红外…
Iowa native astronaut Raja Chari was selected by NASA to join the 2017 Astronaut Candidate Class. He is a graduate of the U.S…
2020 May 13 Jupiter in Infrared from Gemini Image Credit: International Gemini Observatory, NOIRLab, NSF, AURA; M. H. Wong (U…
Several hundred million years ago, two galaxy clusters collided and then passed through each other. This mighty event release…
Credit:NASA 增加现场工作方式的讨论;阿尔忒弥斯I号任务(Artemis I)的发射台已做好准备;地球观测任务有了新的发现……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! 5月6日,在线上“局长问答”(Ask the Administrator)环…