2020 March 25 Star Forming Region S106 Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Legacy Archive; Processing & Copyright: Utkarsh M…
克里斯蒂安·惠更斯(Christiaan Huygens ) Credit:NASA 1655年3月25日,荷兰数学家和天文学家克里斯蒂安·惠更斯发现了灭霸的故乡(虚构),土卫六泰坦。 当年惠更斯在观察土星环时,注意到附近有一个明亮的小点,随后经过几…
The central region of our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains an exotic collection of objects, including a supermassive black hol…
2020 March 21 Comet ATLAS and the Mighty Galaxies Image Credit & Copyright: Rolando Ligustri (CARA Project, CAST) Explan…
Michelle Lynde is an aerospace engineer who conducts aerodynamic analysis of configurations using Computational Fluid Dynamic…