Connie Moore (left) and Sheva Moore are not related but they share a passion for helping the public find just the right image…
Connie Moore (left) and Sheva Moore are not related but they share a passion for helping the public find just the right image…
2020 February 23 Illustris Simulation of the Universe Video Credit: Illustris Collaboration, NASA, PRACE, XSEDE, MIT, Harvard…
2月13日,太阳轨道飞行器的首次测量数据传达地面,向国际科学小组证实了在成功地部署了航天器的仪器吊臂后,航天器上的磁力计状况良好。 版权:ESA;航天器:ESA/ATG Medialab;数据:ESA/Solar Orbiter/磁力计(MAG) 2…
2020 February 21 LDN 1622: Dark Nebula in Orion Image Credit & Copyright: Min Xie Explanation: The silhouette of an intri…
On February 20, 1962, NASA launched one of the most important flights in American history. The mission? Send a man to orbit E…
2020年2月,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的太阳动力学观测台(Solar Dynamics Observatory,SDO)迎来了在太空的第10年。在过去十年间,这艘航天器一直在对太阳进行观测,研究如太阳活动是如何产生以及太阳是如何驱动空间天气的…