2020 January 20 Quadrantid Meteors through Orion Image Credit & Copyright: Petr Horálek Explanation: Why are these meteor…
2020 January 20 Quadrantid Meteors through Orion Image Credit & Copyright: Petr Horálek Explanation: Why are these meteor…
In the northern Mexican state of Cohuilla lies the Cuatro Cienegas Basin. Dotting the landscape are small pools, formed by na…
NASA astronauts Nick Hague and Anne McClain talk about their experiences onboard the International Space Station with Smithso…
2020 January 19 M1: The Incredible Expanding Crab Nebula Video Credit & Copyright: Detlef Hartmann Explanation: Are your …
2020 January 17 Apollo 17: A Stereo View from Lunar Orbit Gene Cernan, Apollo 17, NASA; Anaglyph by Patrick Vantuyne Explanat…
2020 January 16 NGC 247 and Friends Image Credit & Copyright: Acquisition – Eric Benson, Processing – Dietmar…
A multitude of swirling clouds in Jupiter’s dynamic North North Temperate Belt is captured in this image from NASA̵…
这个巨型螺旋星系或许会被称为“哥斯拉星系”(Godzilla galaxy),因为该星系有可能是其所在宇宙中已知的最大星系。该星系名为UGC 2885,比银河系宽2.5倍,其恒星数量则是银河系的10倍。 不过研究人员表示,UGC 2885星系是一个“…