2019 December 21 Solstice to Solstice Solargraph Timelapse Image Credit & Copyright: Sam Cornwell Explanation: The 2019 D…
2019 December 21 Solstice to Solstice Solargraph Timelapse Image Credit & Copyright: Sam Cornwell Explanation: The 2019 D…
北京时间12月20日7时36分,宇宙神5型运载火箭点火,CST-100星际线飞船升空。 Credit:NASA/Joel Kowsky NASA局长Jim Bridenstine称:“由于波音公司的星际线飞船的任务运行时间(MET)出现异常,导致飞船…
This week in 1999, space shuttle Discovery, mission STS-103, launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on the third Hubble Sp…
波音公司的无人轨道飞行测试(OFT)是美国国家航空航天局商业乘务计划的第二次无人飞行测试,该计划与航空航天工业合作,自2011年以来首次在美国本土用美国火箭和宇宙飞船发射宇航员。 10月16日,波音公司的CST-100星际飞船的乘员舱在佛罗里达州肯尼…
iss061e077393 (Dec. 12, 2019) — The Canadarm2 robotic arm with the Dextre robotic hand attached seemingly protrudes fro…
2019 December 19 Apollo 17’s Moonship Image Credit: Apollo 17, NASA, (Image Reprocessing: Andy Saunders) Explanation: A…
iss061e066684 (Dec. 3, 2019) — Houston, Texas is pictured from the International Space Station at an altitude of 257 mi…
2019 December 18 A Hotspot Map of Neutron Star J0030’s Surface Image Credit: NASA, NICER, GSFC’s CI Lab Explanati…