The galaxy pictured in this Hubble image has an especially evocative name: the Medusa merger. Often referred to by its somewh…
The galaxy pictured in this Hubble image has an especially evocative name: the Medusa merger. Often referred to by its somewh…
版权:NASA Google与NASA和橡树岭国家实验室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)合作,证明了能够在几秒钟内计算出最大、最先进的超级计算机都需要几千年的计算量,从而实现了称为“量子霸权”(quantum supre…
ExoMars 2020降落伞部署顺序 版权:欧洲航天局(ESA) 2019年9月,相关人员已采取积极措施来解决ExoMars任务的降落伞问题,以保证任务于2020年7月的发射窗口如期进行。 该任务需要两个降落伞 – 每个降落伞都有自己的…
Vice President Mike Pence delivers remarks during the opening ceremony of the 70th International Astronautical Congress, Mond…
NASA astronaut Christina Koch conducts her fourth spacewalk at the International Space Station. She and fellow NASA astronaut…
2019 October 22 Night Sky Reflections from the World’s Largest Mirror Image Credit & Copyright: Jheison Huerta Expl…
2019 October 21 A Mercury Transit Music Video from SDO Video Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Genna Duberste…