2019 July 25 Cygnus Skyscape Image Credit & Copyright: Alistair Symon Explanation: In brush strokes of interstellar dust …
前苏联发射的第一颗人造卫星Sputnik拉开了冷战时期美国和前苏联太空竞赛的序幕。作为回应,美国也发射了自己的第一颗人造卫星“探索者1号”,发现了范艾伦辐射带,并最终研制出将宇航员送上月球表面并安全带回地球的运载火箭和航天器。 那是美国历史上最辉煌的…
The Apollo 11 Command Module is hoisted aboard the USS Hornet, the prime recovery vessel for the historic Apollo 11 lunar lan…
Christopher C. Kraft, Jr., who died July 22, 2019, created the concept of NASA’s Mission Control and developed its orga…
2019 July 23 M82: Galaxy with a Supergalactic Wind Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble; Processing & Copyright: Daniel Nobre …
On July 16, 1969, Apollo 11 lifted off for the Moon and into history. Artist Russ Arasmith’s vision of Apollo was a pot…
来源:印度空间研究组织(ISRO)推特 星箭分离来源:印度空间研究组织(ISRO) 原计划于2019年7月15日发射升空的月船2号,由于技术原因,推迟至北京时间今天下午5时13分发射成功。 关于月船2号 月船二号的载荷 来源:isro 来源:isro…
2019 July 22 HDR: Earth’s Circular Shadow on the Moon Image Credit & Copyright: Cristian Fattinnanzi Explanation: W…