2022年9月29日 DART Asteroid Impact from Space Image Credit: ASI / NASA Explanation: Fifteen days before impact, the DART spacecr…
2022年9月29日 DART Asteroid Impact from Space Image Credit: ASI / NASA Explanation: Fifteen days before impact, the DART spacecr…
Astronaut Ellen Ochoa, STS-110 flight engineer, wears a launch and entry suit as part of water survival training in the Neutr…
数十亿年来,银河系最大的卫星星系——大麦哲伦星云和小麦哲伦星云——经历了一段危险的旅程。当它们被拉向我们的银河系时,它们相互环绕,开始解体,留下气态碎片的痕迹。然而,令天文学家困惑的是,这些矮星系仍然完好无损,恒星形成仍在继续。 “很多人都在努力解释…
2022年9月28日 A Furious Sky over Mount Shasta Image Credit & Copyright: Ralf Rohner Explanation: Is the sky angry with Moun…
In this image from Sept. 26, 2022, the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) team, Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen, and guests at John…
2022年9月27日 DART: Impact on Asteroid Dimorphos Video Credit: NASA, JHUAPL, DART Explanation: Could humanity deflect an asteroi…
经过10个月的太空飞行,NASA的双小行星重定向测试(DART)——世界上第一次行星防御技术演示——于周一成功撞击了小行星目标,这是NASA首次尝试在太空移动小行星。 参考来源:NASA 位于马里兰州劳雷尔的约翰霍普金斯应用物理实验室(APL)的任务…
Technicians prepare to move NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) spacecraft from a shipping container onto a work s…
Astronaut John W. Young, commander of the Apollo 16 lunar landing mission, leaps from the Moon’s surface as he salutes …