The Voyager mission was designed to take advantage of a rare geometric arrangement of the outer planets in the late 1970s and…
The Voyager mission was designed to take advantage of a rare geometric arrangement of the outer planets in the late 1970s and…
2022年9月8日 North America and the Pelican Image Credit & Copyright: Frank Sackenheim Explanation: Fans of our fair planet …
2022年9月7日 Tarantula Stars R136 from Webb Images Credit & Copyright: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team Expl…
在这张横跨340光年的拼接图像中,韦伯的近红外相机(NIRCam)以全新的视角展示了狼蛛星云的恒星形成区域,其中包括数以万计从未见过的年轻恒星,这些恒星以前被宇宙尘埃笼罩。最活跃的区域似乎闪烁着巨大的年轻恒星,呈淡蓝色。 影像来源:NASA, ESA…
2022年9月6日 An Iridescent Pileus Cloud over China Image Credit & Copyright: Jiaqi Sun (孙嘉琪) Explanation: Yes, but how many…
2022年9月5日 Carina Cliffs from the Webb Space Telescope Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI Explanation: Stars created these cl…
2022年9月4日 Sea and Sky Glows over the Oregon Coast Image Credit & Copyright: Rudy Montoya Explanation: Every step caused …
2022年9月3日 Sun and Moon and ISS Image Credit & Copyright: Wang Letian (Eyes at Night), Jin Ma (Beijing Planetarium) Expla…