T-38 planes are a fixture of astronaut training, assisting pilots and mission specialists to think quickly in changing situat…
T-38 planes are a fixture of astronaut training, assisting pilots and mission specialists to think quickly in changing situat…
2021年9月10日,即任务的第198个火星日,NASA的毅力号火星车在被称为“罗切特”的岩石附近拍摄了这张自拍照。 影像来源:NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS 2021年春季,当NASA的毅力号火星车开始检查耶泽罗陨石坑底部的岩石时,科学…
这张图片是NASA詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜发布的首张图片,展示了星系团 SMACS 0723。由于一种称为引力透镜的现象,一些星系看起来被涂抹或拉伸。这种效应可以帮助科学家绘制宇宙中暗物质的存在图。 影像来源:NASA, ESA, CSA, and S…
2022年8月24日 The Cartwheel Galaxy from Webb Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI, Webb ERO Production Team Explanation: To some,…
The supersonic X-1E research aircraft was the last of NASA’s experimental X-1 series of aircraft. From 1955-1958, it ma…
The core of NASA’s Europa Clipper spacecraft has taken center stage in the Spacecraft Assembly Facility at the agency’s Jet P…