按月归档: 2 月 2019

NGC 2359: Thor’s Helmet

2019 February 16 NGC 2359: Thor’s Helmet Image Credit & Copyright: Ignacio Diaz Bobillo Explanation: NGC 2359 is a helmet-shaped cosmic cloud with wing-like appendages popularly called Thor’s Helmet. Heroically sized even for a Norse god, Thor’s Helmet is about 30 light-years across. In fact, the helmet is more like an interstellar bubb...


机遇号(2004-2019), 原本设计90天,工作了14年,将近15年。 好好休息,你的任务已经完成。 Credit:NASA 2019年2月13日,NASA喷气推进实验室(JPL)最后一次尝试与机遇号通信,但没有回音。自机遇号自2018年6月10日失联后,他们800多次试图唤醒机遇号,但机遇号一直沉默。 北京时间2月14日凌晨3时,NASA局长Jim Bridenstine宣布,机遇号的火星任务结束,机遇号原本计划探索火星90天,使用寿命超过了14年。 勇气号和机遇号火星车 Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech [rml_read_more] 勇气号和机遇号, 他们一对双胞胎。 2004年1月4日, 勇气号着陆在古谢夫环形山 (Gusev Crater), 2004年1月25日, 机遇号着陆在...

Opportunity at Perseverance Valley I

2019 February 15 Opportunity at Perseverance Valley Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Kenneth Kremer, Marco Di Lorenzo Explanation: Opportunity had already reached Perseverance Valley by June of 2018. Its view is reconstructed in a colorized mosaic of images taken by the Mars Exploration Rover’s Navcam. In fact, Perseverance Valley is an appropriate nam...

欧洲航天局的火星车有个名字——ROSALIND FRANKLIN

ExoMars火星车 Credit:ESA/ATG medialab 将在红色星球上寻找生命基石ExoMars(Exobiology on Mars,天外火星计划)火星车有个名字:Rosalind Franklin。发现DNA结构的著名科学家将于2021年在火星上拥有她的象征性足迹。 在去年7月英国航天局发起竞赛之后,一个专家小组从所有欧洲航天局成员国公民提交的36000多份提议中选中了“Rosalind Franklin”。 ExoMars火星车将是第一个将火星漫游和深度研究能力结合起来的漫游车。这颗红色星球过去富含水,但由于暴露在强烈的辐射下,如今它的表面很干燥。 以Rosalind Franklin的名字命名的火星车将钻地两米,对土壤进行采样、成分分析、并寻找埋藏于地下的过去——甚至现在的——生命的证据。...

Solar System Family Portait

2019 February 14 Solar System Family Portait Image Credit: Voyager Project, NASA Explanation: On Valentine’s Day in 1990, cruising four billion miles from the Sun, the Voyager 1 spacecraft looked back one last time to make this first ever Solar System family portrait. The complete portrait is a 60 frame mosaic made from a vantage point 32 degrees above...

The Helix Nebula in Hydrogen and Oxygen

2019 February 13 The Helix Nebula in Hydrogen and Oxygen Image Credit & Copyright: Andrew Campbell Explanation: Is the Helix Nebula looking at you? No, not in any biological sense, but it does look quite like an eye. The Helix Nebula is so named because it also appears that you are looking down the axis of a helix. In actuality, it is now understood to ...

Astronauts Train for the Boeing Crew Flight Test

Boeing Crew Flight Test (CFT) with NASA astronauts Mike Fincke and Nicole Mann and Boeing Astronaut Chris Ferguson during ISS EVA Prep & Post 1 training. Photo Date: February 6, 2019. Location: Building 9NW – ISS Airlock Mockup. Photographer: Robert Markowitz