按月归档: 4 月 2019

Meteors, Comet, and Big Dipper over La Palma

2019 April 23 Meteors, Comet, and Big Dipper over La Palma Image Credit & Copyright: Vincent Duparc Explanation: Meteor showers are caused by streams of solid particles, dust size and larger, moving as a group through space. In most cases, the orbits of these meteor streams can be identified with dust expelled from a comet. When the Earth passes through ...

Mars Methane Mystery Deepens

2019 April 22 Mars Methane Mystery Deepens Video Credit: NASA’s GSFC, Scientific Visualization Studio Explanation: The methane mystery on Mars just got stranger. New results from ESA and Roscosmos’ ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, has unexpectedly not detected methane in the atmosphere of Mars. This result follows the 2013 detection of methane by NASA&...

NASA Earth Data Helps Scientists to Understand Our Home Planet

2017年9月,大西洋酝酿着几场大飓风。这张飓风和我们的家园星球的照片是由NASA/NOAA Suomi-NPP上的可视红外成像辐射计套件(VIIRS)仪器在2017年9月6日拍摄的。 60年来,NASA一直利用太空的优势来更好地了解我们的地球,改善生活。一个名为“美国太空”(Space for U.S.)的互动网站强调了美国宇航局的地球观测在许多方面帮助人们加强美国各地的社区,并就公共卫生、灾难应对和恢复以及环境保护做出明智的决定。 今年的地球日,美国宇航局邀请公众在社交媒体上分享他们对地球的看法。 In September 2017, the Atlantic Ocean was brewing with several large hurricanes. This view of the hurrican...


来自美国航空航天局(NASA)和位于马里兰州劳雷尔的约翰•霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)应用物理实验室(Applied Physics Laboratory)的研究人员声称,撞击月球的流星群(meteoroid stream)给月球大气注入了暂时性的水蒸气。 这一发现将有助于科学家探索月球上水的历史。月球上的水为未来长期月球任务,以及人类深空探索提供了维持人类活动的资源。已有多种模型证明,流星体在撞击月球时会将月球中的水释放出来,形成水蒸气,但科学家一直没有观察到相应的现象。 现在,在月球大气及尘埃环境探测器(Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer,LADEE)收集到的数据中,研究团队发现了数十个月球上的水释放事件。LADE...

Spiral Aurora over Icelandic Divide

2019 April 21 Spiral Aurora over Icelandic Divide Image Credit & Copyright: Juan Carlos Casado (TWAN, StarryEarth) Explanation: Admire the beauty but fear the beast. The beauty is the aurora overhead, here taking the form of great green spiral, seen between picturesque clouds with the bright Moon to the side and stars in the background. The beast is the...


Credits: NASA/ Ames Research Center/ 4月19日,天鹅号货运飞船给空间站送去了两个“太空蜜蜂”,计划用于替代已经工作十多年的“球体”机器人。 NASA一共制造了三个“太空蜜蜂”机器人,它们呈立方体状,大小为1英尺×1英尺×1英尺,重约10公斤。 [rml_read_more] 这三个“太空蜜蜂”机器人名为Honey,Queen和Bumble,它们三个和一个充电坞一起组成了一个系统,名为Astrobee,寓意这三个机器人会像地球上勤劳的蜜蜂一样工作。 Credits: NASA/ Ames Research Center/ “太空蜜蜂”机器人依靠电风扇推动前进,内置六个摄像头,麦克风,和传感器,相当于空间站上的“眼睛”和“耳朵”,它们在空间站上可以自主飞行,也可以组成编队协同飞...

Falcon Heavy Launch Close Up

2019 April 20 Falcon Heavy Launch Close Up Image Credit: SpaceX Explanation: Twenty seven Merlin rocket engines are firing in this close-up of the launch of a Falcon Heavy rocket. Derived from three Falcon 9 first stage rockets with nine Merlin rocket engines each, the Falcon Heavy left NASA’s Kennedy Space Center launch pad 39A on April 11. This secon...

Behold the Southern Lights!

当国际空间站在南印度洋上空265英里的轨道上运行时,大约在马达加斯加和南极洲之间,宇航员们拍下了这张南极光的照片。 As the International Space Station orbited 265 miles above the southern Indian Ocean about halfway between Madagascar and Antarctica, the crew snapped this image of the Aurora Australis, also known as the Southern Lights. Image Credit: NASA


为庆祝NASA哈勃太空望远镜发射29周年,天文学家们捕捉到了色彩斑斓的南蟹状星云(Southern Crab Nebula)。 这个星云(正式名称为Hen 2-104)位于南半球的半人马座(constellation of Centaurus),距地球数千光年。它看起来有两个嵌套的沙漏形结构,由双星系统中的一对旋转的恒星“雕刻”而成。这对组合有一颗老化的红巨星(red giant)和一颗“已凉”的白矮星(white dwarf)。红巨星外层正在脱落,有一些会被白矮星的引力吸过来。 结果是,两颗恒星都嵌在它们之间气体构成的盘(disk)中。这层物质带限制了气体的流出,使其只能在盘上方或下方加速离开,便形成了沙漏状的星云。 由气体和尘埃构成的气泡在边缘看起来最亮,给人一种“蟹腿”的错觉。这些“腿”可能是流出物质撞击...

Milky Way in Northern Spring

2019 April 19 Milky Way in Northern Spring Image Credit & Copyright: Taha Ghouchkanlu (TWAN) Explanation: A postcard from planet Earth, this springtime night skyscape looks over Alandan lake in the Alborz mountains. Taken after local midnight on April 17, the central Milky Way is rising over the region’s southeast horizon. Its luminous track of st...