这张海王星的照片是由旅行者2号(Voyager 2)在1989年8月25日探测器与该颗行星最近距离接触前的五天内拍摄的。照片显示了“大暗斑”(Great Dark Spot)- 海王星大气层的风暴,以及伴随风暴而来的明亮的淡蓝色云团。 版权:美国国家…
这张海王星的照片是由旅行者2号(Voyager 2)在1989年8月25日探测器与该颗行星最近距离接触前的五天内拍摄的。照片显示了“大暗斑”(Great Dark Spot)- 海王星大气层的风暴,以及伴随风暴而来的明亮的淡蓝色云团。 版权:美国国家…
This atmospheric image taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows a dark, gloomy scene in the constellation of Gemi…
This natural-color image of smoke and fires in several states within Brazil including Amazonas, Mato Grosso, and Rondônia was…
这幅艺术家笔下的插图描绘的是系外行星LHS3844b,其质量是地球的1.3倍,环绕着一颗M矮星运行。根据美国国家航空航天局(NASA)斯皮策太空望远镜的观测表明,该行星表面可能主要被黑暗的熔岩覆盖,没有明显的大气层。 版权:NASA /加州理工学院喷…
2019 August 23 NGC 1499: The California Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Sara Wager Explanation: Drifting through the Ori…
2019 August 22 Nearby Spiral Galaxy NGC 4945 Image Credit & Copyright: Martin Pugh Explanation: Large spiral galaxy NGC 4…
A member of the audience takes a picture with their phone as Vice President Mike Pence is introduced during the sixth meeting…
A quick moving storm passes as teams from NASA and SpaceX practice procedures for medical emergency evacuation onboard the GO…
2019 August 21 The Orion You Can Almost See Image Credit & Copyright: John Gleason & Rogelio Bernal Andreo Explanatio…