按月归档: 8 月 2019


2019 August 8 Curiosity at Teal Ridge Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, MSSS, Curiosity Mars Rover Explanation: Part of a 360 degree panorama, this view looks out from the Mars rover Curiosity’s current location on the Red Planet dubbed Teal Ridge. The mosaicked scene was captured by the rover’s Mastcam on Earth calendar date June 18, 2019. That c...


Seven years. 13 miles. 22 samples. Our Curiosity rover has come a long way since touching down on Mars seven years ago. It has traveled a total of 13 miles (21 kilometers) and ascended 1,207 feet (368 meters) to its current location. Along the way, Curiosity discovered Mars had the conditions to support microbial life in the ancient past. And the rover is fa...


2019 August 7 Jupiter Engulfed and the Milky Way Image Credit & Copyright: Mohammad S. Hayati Explanation: This is a good month to see Jupiter. To find our Solar System’s largest planet in your sky, look toward the southeast just after sunset — Jupiter should be the brightest object in that part of the sky. If you have a binoculars or a small...


NASA’s Solar Dynamic Observatory, or SDO, was the first mission to be launched for NASA’s Living With a Star (LWS) Program, and is designed to understand the causes of solar variability and its impacts on Earth. SDO ​launched on February 11, 2010, on its journey to help us understand the Sun’s influence on Earth and Near-Earth space by stud...


这幅艺术插图展示了一个正在从大气中失去气态镁和气态铁的外星世界。这些观测结果代表着所谓的“重金属”——比氢和氦更重的元素——首次被探测到正从一颗热木星上逃逸出来。这是一颗巨大的气态系外行星,正以非常近的距离绕行其主恒星。这颗被称为WASP-121b的行星围绕着一颗比太阳更亮、更热的恒星运行。这颗行星极其危险地近距离绕行主恒星,以至于高层大气温度高达4600华氏度(约2538摄氏度)。来自寄主星的紫外线洪流正在加热这颗行星的高层大气,导致气态镁和气态铁逃逸到太空中。哈勃太空望远镜成像摄谱仪的观测结果显示出镁元素和铁元素远离这颗行星的光谱特征。这颗行星与其恒星的比肩之距,意味着它正处于被恒星引力潮汐力撕裂的边缘,强大的引力改变了这颗行星的形状,使它看起来更像一只足球。WASP-121系统距离地球约900光年。 资料...


Born on August 5, 1930, Neil Armstrong would have been 89 years old today. During his lifetime, he was a man of many accomplishments and when he landed on the Moon, he walked into the history books. Armstrong changed the course of history as the commander of the Apollo 11 mission, landing humanity on another celestial body for the very first time and fulfill...


2019 August 6 The Local Void in the Nearby Universe Image Credit: R. Brent Tully (U. Hawaii) et al. Explanation: What does our region of the Universe look like? Since galaxies are so spread out over the sky, and since our Milky Way Galaxy blocks part of the distant sky, it has been hard to tell. A new map has been made, however, using large-scale galaxy moti...


这幅艺术概念图对火星地震波进行了模拟:当地震波穿过火星不同的内部壳层时,它会是什么样子。 图片来源:NASA、JPL-加州理工学院、苏黎世联邦理工学院、马丁•范德里埃尔(Martin Van Driel) 在最近的一系列地震发生后,整个南加州的居民都感受到了地动山摇。但是,在我们的太阳系之中,地球并不是唯一会经历地震的星球:月球和火星都会发生地震。50年前,在阿波罗11号(Apollo 11)任务期间,美国航空航天局(NASA)在月球上部署了第一台地震仪;而就在去年年末,NASA的洞察号火星探测器(Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport,InSight)则给火星带去了第一台地震仪,它被称为内部结构...


2019 August 5 A Total Solar Eclipse Reflected Image Credit & Copyright: Thierry Legault Explanation: If you saw a total solar eclipse, would you do a double-take? One astrophotographer did just that — but it took a lake and a bit of planning. Realizing that the eclipse would be low on the horizon, he looked for a suitable place along the thin swath...


在火星车“上路”之前,工程师会整晚发送计算机命令,告诉它第二天要去哪里。根据地形的复杂程度,他们可以发送一系列特定命令,例如:“向前行驶5米;然后右转90度。”火星车的轮子就会一直滚动直到行进了5米,然后右转到指定的位置。 《火星一分钟》系列延伸阅读 一:火星真的是红色的吗? 二:好奇号登陆火星有多难? 三:如何前往火星? 四:如何登陆火星?极其小心! 五:火星真的炽热如火吗?