2019 August 4 Rumors of a Dark Universe Image Credit: High-Z Supernova Search Team, HST, NASA Explanation: Twenty-one years a…
美国航空航天局(NASA)最新的行星猎手,凌星系外行星巡天卫星“苔丝”(Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite,TESS),发现了一个全新的三行星世界:其中一颗行星半径略大于地球,另外两颗的大小属于我们的太阳系中没…
2019 August 3 Mimas in Saturnlight Image Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, ESA, NASA Explanation: Peering from the shad…
Lost in the glare following the Apollo 11 Moon landing, two intrepid robotic spacecraft flew by Mars in the summer of 1969 an…
2017年9月,野火肆虐美国西部,产生的烟雾弥漫全国。这幅自然色彩的马赛克图像是由索米国家极地轨道合作伙伴号卫星上的可见光红外成像辐射计套件于2017年9月4日拍摄的几幅场景组合而成。 版权:NASA地球天文台的图片,图像由约书亚•斯蒂文斯(Josh…
NASA astronaut candidate Raja Chari climbs into a NASA T-38 aircraft, Friday, July 12, 2019, at Ellington Field in Houston, T…
This week in 1971, Apollo 15 became the first mission to use the Lunar Roving Vehicle. The LRV was a lightweight, electric ve…
2019 August 1 Elements in the Aftermath Image Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO Explanation: Massive stars spend their brief lives furious…