按月归档: 10 月 2019


2019 October 27 Ghost Aurora over Canada Image Credit & Copyright: Yuichi Takasaka, TWAN Explanation: What does this aurora look like to you? While braving the cold to watch the skies above northern Canada early one morning in 2013, a most unusual aurora appeared. The aurora definitely appeared to be shaped like something , but what? Two ghostly possibil...


Astronomers using data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes have put together a detailed map of a rare collision between four galaxy clusters. Eventually, all four clusters – each with a mass of at least several hundred trillion times that of the Sun – will merge to form one of the most massive objects in the universe. Galaxy clusters are ...


2019 October 26 Gravity’s Grin Image Credit: X-ray – NASA / CXC / J. Irwin et al. ; Optical – NASA/STScI Explanation: Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity, published over 100 years ago, predicted the phenomenon of gravitational lensing. And that’s what gives these distant galaxies such a whimsical appearance, seen thro...


Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS 好奇号:“我的新自拍,在昵称Glen Etive的地方进行了2次钻探,这张全景照片拍摄于2019年10月11日,我的第2553个火星日,由机械臂末端相机拍摄到的57张照片拼接而成。 这是一片含粘土的区域,自我着陆火星以来,团队成员们就盼望着我能抵达这里,现在愿望达成,所以说这张自拍也是第二次记录我进行了一场特殊的化学实验。” 另外NASA正面向美国K-12学生,发起了一项Mars 2020漫游车征文比赛,大奖得主将会为漫游车命名,截止日期为2019年11月1日。 12岁和22岁马天琪(Clara Ma),上图拍摄于2009年和2019年。 Credits: NASA 不知道你还记得她吗?就是当年给好奇号火星车命名的姑娘。马天琪最近说,给好奇号火星车命...


The galaxy pictured in this Hubble image has an especially evocative name: the Medusa merger. Often referred to by its somewhat drier New General Catalogue designation of NGC 4194, this was not always one entity, but two. An early galaxy consumed a smaller gas-rich system, throwing out streams of stars and dust into space. These streams, seen rising from the...


2019 October 25 The Ghosts of Cassiopeia Image Credit & Copyright: Tommaso Stella Explanation: These bright rims and flowing shapes look ghostly on a cosmic scale. A telescopic view toward the constellation Cassiopeia, the colorful skyscape features swept-back, comet-shaped clouds IC 59 (left) and IC 63. About 600 light-years distant, the clouds aren&#82...


版权:NASA Google与NASA和橡树岭国家实验室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)合作,证明了能够在几秒钟内计算出最大、最先进的超级计算机都需要几千年的计算量,从而实现了称为“量子霸权”(quantum supremacy)的里程碑。 “量子计算(Quantum computing)仍处于起步阶段,但这一革命性成就使我们向前迈进了一步,”NASA艾姆斯研究中心(位于加利福尼亚州硅谷)的中心主任Eugene Tu说道,“数十年来,我们到达月球、火星、以及更远的地方,这些任务都受到了这种创新的推动。” 量子计算是关于如何利用量子力学的特性来解决某些类型的问题的研究,其速度远远超过了传统计算机。NASA未来可能可以使用这些技术来支持太空任务:比如,量子优化(quantum opti...


Engineers and technicians at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans have structurally mated the first of four RS-25 engines to the core stage for NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket that will help power the first Artemis mission to the Moon. Integration of the RS-25 engines to the recently completed core stage structure is a collaborative, multi...


2019 October 24 Dark Seahorse in Cepheus Image Credit & Copyright: Sergio Kaminsky Explanation: Light-years across, this suggestive shape known as the Seahorse Nebula appears in silhouette against a rich, luminous background of stars. Seen toward the royal northern constellation of Cepheus, the dusty, obscuring clouds are part of a Milky Way molecular c...


2019 October 23 Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh Painting Credit: Vincent van Gogh; Digital Rendering: MoMA, Google Arts & Culture, via Wikipedia Explanation: The painting Starry Night is one of the most famous icons of the night sky ever created. The scene was painted by Vincent van Gogh in southern France in 1889. The swirling style of Starry Night app...