按月归档: 10 月 2019


ExoMars 2020降落伞部署顺序 版权:欧洲航天局(ESA) 2019年9月,相关人员已采取积极措施来解决ExoMars任务的降落伞问题,以保证任务于2020年7月的发射窗口如期进行。 该任务需要两个降落伞 – 每个降落伞都有自己的引导伞用于借助展开 – 以帮助在着陆火星之前减慢降落舱的速度。一旦大气阻力使降落舱的速度从21000公里/小时降至1700公里/小时,第一个降落伞展开。大约20秒后,在400公里/小时的速度下,第二个降落伞将展开。降落伞在离火星表面约1公里处分离后,制动引擎将启动,将载有火星车的着陆平台安全地运送至火星表面以执行科学任务。从进入大气层到火星着陆的整个过程仅需要6分钟。 [rml_read_more] ExoMars进展更新 虽然这四个降落伞的部署顺序在今...


Vice President Mike Pence delivers remarks during the opening ceremony of the 70th International Astronautical Congress, Monday, Oct. 21, 2019 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. The annual IAC conference covers the global space sector and presents the latest space information and developments from academia and industry. View th...


NASA astronaut Christina Koch conducts her fourth spacewalk at the International Space Station. She and fellow NASA astronaut Jessica Meir (out of frame) ventured into the vacuum of space for seven hours and 17 minutes on Oct. 18, 2019, to swap a failed battery charge-discharge unit (BCDU) with a spare during the first all-woman spacewalk. The BCDU regulates...


2019 October 22 Night Sky Reflections from the World’s Largest Mirror Image Credit & Copyright: Jheison Huerta Explanation: What’s being reflected in the world’s largest mirror? Stars, galaxies, and a planet. Many of these stars are confined to the grand arch that runs across the image, an arch that is the central plane of our home Milk...


来源:NASA TV 首次全女宇航员太空行走;新一代阿尔忒弥斯宇航服的绝佳装备;确保宇航员的安全……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! 10月18日,NASA宇航员克里斯蒂娜•科赫(Christina Koch)和杰西卡•梅厄(Jessica Meir)在国际空间站外进行了首次全女性宇航员太空行走。NASA局长吉姆•布里登斯坦(Jim Bridenstine)、几位国会议员和媒体人员在NASA华盛顿总部观看了本次太空行走。这不仅具有历史意义,同时还体现了包容性。这是NASA阿尔忒弥斯计划的重要组成部分,该计划将在2024年之前送第一位女性和下一位男性登上月球。“这对全世界的女性来说都意义非凡,让年轻女孩看到自己拥有的机会和年轻男孩的一样,我认为这非常重要。”空间站负责人之所以安排这次太空行走,是为了更换产生故...


2019 October 21 A Mercury Transit Music Video from SDO Video Credit: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Genna Duberstein; Music: Encompass by Mark Petrie Explanation: What’s that small black dot moving across the Sun? Mercury. Possibly the clearest view of Mercury crossing in front of the Sun in 2016 May was from Earth orbit. The Solar Dynamics ...


2019 October 20 Pluto at Night Image Credit: NASA, Johns Hopkins Univ./APL, Southwest Research Institute Explanation: The night side of Pluto spans this shadowy scene, a stunning spacebased view with the Sun 4.9 billion kilometers (almost 4.5 light-hours) behind the dim and distant world. It was captured by far flung New Horizons in July of 2015. The spacecr...


没有观看直播的,可以在这里回看发布会的完整视频。 来源:NASA video 北京时间10月16日凌晨2时,NASA局长吉姆·布莱恩斯汀(Jim Bridenstine)在华盛顿总部公布了下一代阿尔特弥斯宇航服,这两套宇航服将用于载人登月和登陆火星。 在阿尔忒弥斯(Artemis)任务中,宇航员将穿上美国航空航天局(NASA)的新型宇航服,从外形上看,这套新的宇航服和如今用于国际空间站(International Space Station today)太空行走中的宇航服非常相似,但实际上,得益于在阿波罗(Apollo)计划开始之前就已取得的技术进步,21世纪的月球漫步者将有能力完成比之前的登月宇航员更为复杂的任务。 图片版权:NASA 宇航服不仅是人类太空探索的一个经典标志,还是一种个性化的微缩型航天器,模仿...


2019 October 19 All Female Spacewalk Repairs Space Station Image Credit: NASA TV, Expedition 61 Explanation: The failed unit was beyond the reach of the robotic Canadarm2. Therefore, this repair of the International Space Station would require humans. The humans on duty were NASA’s Jessica Meir and Christina Koch. This was the fourth spacewalk for Koch...


In 1572, Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe was among those who noticed a new bright object in the constellation Cassiopeia. Adding fuel to the intellectual fire that Copernicus started, Tycho showed this “new star” was far beyond the Moon, and that it was possible for the universe beyond the Sun and planets to change. Astronomers now know that Tycho’s new star w...