按月归档: 10 月 2019


2019 October 18 Interstellar Interloper 2I/Borisov Image Credit: NASA, ESA, and D. Jewitt (UCLA) et al. Explanation: After the 2017 detecton of 1I/’Oumuamua, comet 2I/Borisov has become the second recognized interstellar interloper. Like ‘Oumuamua, Borisov’s measured hyperbolic trajectory and speed as it falls toward the Sun confirm that it...


来源:NASA TV 北京时间10月18日19时50分,NASA宇航员Christina H Koch和Jessica Meir开始执行空间站首次全女性宇航员太空行走,时长6.5小时,以更换失效的电源控制器。 值得一提的是,Christina Koch和Anne McClain原计划于今年三月执行首次全女宇航员的太空行走,但由于宇航服的尺寸大小不合适,从而放弃了。 来源:NASA video 这段视频回顾了35年前的女宇航员首次太空行走, 1984年,俄罗斯宇航员Svetlana Savitskaya进行了首次太空行走。同年10月,NASA女宇航员Kathy Sullivan进行了太空行走,从此以后,12名美国女宇航员共完成了40次太空行走,这次的太空行走是Christina H Koch第四次太空行走任务,对...


哈勃于2019年10月12日拍摄到了距离地球4.2亿公里的鲍里索夫彗星(2I/Borisov),这是这颗彗星迄今为止最清晰的照片。哈勃望远镜揭示了它周围的尘埃;它正朝着太阳落下,将在2019年12月7日到达最近点,届时它将距离太阳两倍日地距离(约3亿公里)。之后它将以双曲线路径绕过太阳,返回星际空间。 Credit: NASA, ESA and D. Jewitt (UCLA) NASA哈勃太空望远镜展示了星际访客鲍里索夫彗星最好的一张照片,其速度和轨迹表明,它来自我们太阳系外。 鲍里索夫彗星是已知通过太阳系的第二个星际天体。2017年,人类发现的第一个星际游客(被命名为奥陌陌,’Oumuamua)在飞离太阳系之前,在距太阳3800万公里的范围内“溜达”。加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)、观测彗星的负...


NASA astronaut Christina Koch worked while tethered near the Port 6 truss segment of the International Space Station to replace older hydrogen-nickel batteries with newer, more powerful lithium-ion batteries, during the October 11, 2019, spacewalk. Fellow NASA astronaut Andrew Morgan (out of frame) assisted Koch during the six-hour and 45-minute spacewalk. O...


Amy Ross, a spacesuit engineer at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, left, and NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine, second from left, presented the latest generation spacesuits to the world on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 at NASA Headquarters in Washington. Standing next to the administrator is Kristine Davis, a spacesuit engineer at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, who w...


2019 October 17 Moons of Saturn Image Credit: Cassini Imaging Team, SSI, JPL, NASA Explanation: On July 29, 2011 the Cassini spacecraft’s narrow-angle camera took this snapshot and captured 5 of Saturn’s moons, from just above the ringplane. Left to right are small moons Janus and Pandora respectively 179 and 81 kilometers across, shiny 504 kilom...


北京时间今日凌晨2时,NASA局长吉姆·布莱恩斯汀(Jim Bridenstine)在华盛顿总部公布了下一代阿尔特弥斯宇航服,这两套宇航服将用于载人登月和登陆火星。 NASA展示的这两套宇航服,一套为猎户座舱内宇航服,一套在探索月球南极表面时使用,称为xEMU。xEMU月面舱外活动宇航服是阿波罗宇航服,以及目前国际空间站舱外太空行走时穿着的宇航服的改进版,这种新型的宇航服大范围地适合宇航员的身材,并且在月面的舒适性和移动性都得到了改善。 从左至右分别是,约翰逊航天中心的宇航服工程师Amy Ross,NASA局长Jim Bridenstine,约翰逊航天中心的宇航服工程师Kristine Davis,约翰逊航天中心猎户座载人飞船生存系统项目经理Dustin Gohmert。 NASA/Joel Kowsky Cr...


2019 October 16 BHB2007: A Baby Binary Star in Formation Image Credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), F. O. Alves et al. Explanation: How do binary stars form? To help find out, ESO’s Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) recently captured one of the highest resolution images yet taken of a binary star system in formation. Most stars are not alone — they ...


海面粗糙度是碳通量的关键 版权:Pixaby/dimitrisvetsikas196, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO 随着我们向大气中排放更多的温室气体,世界正在以令人震惊的速度变暖,随之带来了毁灭性后果。尽管地球上的广阔海洋正在帮助消除气候变化带来的热量,最新研究表明,它们吸收的大气中的二氧化碳比之前所想象的还要多得多,但这些积极影响可能会被其负面影响所抵消。 地球70%以上的表面被海洋覆盖,因此海洋在地球的气候和我们的生活中发挥着极其重要的作用。 联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,IPCC)最近发布的《气候变化中的海洋和冰冻圈》特别报告(Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere ...


2019 October 15 The Galaxy Above Image Credit & Copyright: Rodrigo Guerra Explanation: Have you contemplated your home galaxy lately? If your sky looked like this, perhaps you’d contemplate it more often! The featured picture is actually a composite of two images taken last month from the same location in south Brazil and with the same camera &#821...