按月归档: 12 月 2019


北京时间12月20日7时36分,宇宙神5型运载火箭点火,CST-100星际线飞船升空。 Credit:NASA/Joel Kowsky NASA局长Jim Bridenstine称:“由于波音公司的星际线飞船的任务运行时间(MET)出现异常,导致飞船错误地认为它已经进入了轨道机动,导致飞船的燃料消耗过多,以至于无法与空间站对接。” 波音公司称:“飞船看起来状态良好,目前处于一个安全的轨道,并期望能够着陆。” Credit:NASA [rml_read_more] 未来的48小时内,NASA和波音团队的着陆和回收团队,将努力使星际线飞船着陆在白沙导弹试验场。最新消息将在右边链接进行发布,https://starlinerupdates.com 联盟号,龙飞船和星际线飞船 俄罗斯的联盟号飞船自2000年11月开始,...


2019 December 20 Late Afternoon on Mars Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, Marco Di Lorenzo Explanation: Shadows grow long near sunset in this wide panoramic view from the Curiosity rover on Mars. Made with Curiosity’s navcam, the scene covers about 200 degrees from north through east to south (left to right), stitched together from frames taken by the M...


This week in 1999, space shuttle Discovery, mission STS-103, launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on the third Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission. Over the course of three planned extravehicular activities, the STS-103 crew restored Hubble to working order and upgraded some of its systems, allowing the then decade-old observatory to get ready to b...


波音公司的无人轨道飞行测试(OFT)是美国国家航空航天局商业乘务计划的第二次无人飞行测试,该计划与航空航天工业合作,自2011年以来首次在美国本土用美国火箭和宇宙飞船发射宇航员。 10月16日,波音公司的CST-100星际飞船的乘员舱在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心的商业乘员和货物处理设施(C3PF)内被送上服务舱,这是该公司飞往国际空间站的轨道飞行测试的一部分,也是NASA商业乘员计划的一部分。 来源:Boeing 12月20日,当波音公司的Starliner航天飞机搭乘美国联合发射联盟的“阿特拉斯5号”火箭从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地的航天发射场41号发射中心发射升空时,研究太空中物体运动规律的科学家们将成为热切的观众,屏息以待。 对于NASA的执行任务,Starliner将能够发射多达4名机组人员和大约22...


As the holiday season approaches, people in the northern hemisphere will gather indoors to stay warm. In keeping with the season, astronomers have studied two groups of galaxies that are rushing together and producing their own warmth. The majority of galaxies do not exist in isolation. Rather, they are bound to other galaxies through gravity either in relat...


iss061e077393 (Dec. 12, 2019) — The Canadarm2 robotic arm with the Dextre robotic hand attached seemingly protrudes from the side of the International Space Station as the orbiting complex soared 263 miles above the South Pacific Ocean. iss061e077393(2019年12月12日)——当环绕地球飞行的国际空间站在南太平洋上空263英里的高空飞行时,附有Dextre机械手的Canadarm2机械臂似乎从国际空间站一侧伸出来。


2019 December 19 Apollo 17’s Moonship Image Credit: Apollo 17, NASA, (Image Reprocessing: Andy Saunders) Explanation: Awkward and angular looking, Apollo 17’s lunar module Challenger was designed for flight in the near vacuum of space. Digitally enhanced and reprocessed, this picture taken from Apollo 17’s command module America shows Chall...


iss061e066684 (Dec. 3, 2019) — Houston, Texas is pictured from the International Space Station at an altitude of 257 miles. The bodies of water (from top to bottom) are the Gulf of Mexico, Galveston Bay, Lake Houston, Lake Conroe and Lake Livingston. iss061e066684(2019年12月3日)——国际空间站在海拔257英里的德克萨斯州休斯顿拍摄的照片。水体(从上到下)是墨西哥湾、加尔维斯顿湾、休斯顿湖、康罗湖和利文斯顿湖。


2019 December 18 A Hotspot Map of Neutron Star J0030’s Surface Image Credit: NASA, NICER, GSFC’s CI Lab Explanation: What do neutron stars look like? Previously these city-sized stars were too small and too far away to resolve. Recently, however, the first maps of the locations and sizes of hotspots on a neutron star’s surface have been mad...


2019 December 17 The Horsehead Nebula Image Credit & Copyright: Mark Hanson & Martin Pugh, SSRO, PROMPT, CTIO, NSF Explanation: Sculpted by stellar winds and radiation, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud by chance has assumed this recognizable shape. Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is some 1,500 light-years distant, embedded in the vast O...