按月归档: 1 月 2020


这个巨型螺旋星系或许会被称为“哥斯拉星系”(Godzilla galaxy),因为该星系有可能是其所在宇宙中已知的最大星系。该星系名为UGC 2885,比银河系宽2.5倍,其恒星数量则是银河系的10倍。 不过研究人员表示,UGC 2885星系是一个“温和的巨人”,因为它看上去没有与其他大型星系碰撞而过着相对静态的生活。在过去数十亿年间,它逐渐从星系间的丝状结构中吸收积累了氢,以缓慢而稳定的速度制造新恒星,其恒星诞生速率约为银河系的一半。事实上,该星系的超大质量中心黑洞也是一个沉睡的巨人。因为该星系似乎并不吞噬比它小得多的卫星星系,从而缺乏流入的气体。 肯塔基州路易斯维尔大学的本尼•霍尔维达(Benne Holwerda)用美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的哈勃太空望远镜对UGC 2885星系进行了观测,并以天文学...


Credit:NASA 天文学家一般在恒星的“宜居带”,也被称为“金凤花区域”(Goldilocks zone)内的行星上寻找地外生命。“宜居带”指一颗恒星周围的一定距离范围,在这一范围内温度适宜使水能够以液态形式存在于行星表面,从而可以孕育生命。 经过三十年的恒星调查,一个新兴的观点认为:存在“金凤花恒星”(Goldilocks stars”),其行星环境既不太热也不太冷,最重要的是,能够支持生命存在。 太阳滋养了地球上的生命已近40亿年,因此传统观点认为,像太行这样的恒星是寻找其他潜在宜居星球的主要候选者。实际上,那些温度和亮度比太阳稍低的K型矮星才是真正的“宜居恒星”。宾夕法尼亚州维拉诺瓦大学的爱德华•吉南(Edward Guinan)表示:“K型矮星处于’最佳位置’,其特性介于更稀有、更明亮、寿命更短的...


经过两年多的训练,新一批的宇航员们将于2020年1月10日毕业,加入现役的宇航员队伍,开启探索事业。他们中的一些人也许会前往国际空间站,参与阿耳忒弥斯计划前往月球,或许有一天前往火星。 从上到下,从左至右分别是,(第一排) Matthew Dominick of NASA, Kayla Barron of NASA, Warren Hoburg of NASA, and Joshua Kutryk of CSA, (第二排) Bob Hines of NASA, Frank Rubio of NASA, Jennifer Sidey-Gibbons of CSA, Jasmin Moghbeli of NASA, and Jessica Watkins of NASA, (第三排) Raja Chari of ...


2020 January 14 Evidence of an Active Volcano on Venus Image Credit: NASA, JPL-Caltech, ESA, Venus Express: VIRTIS, USRA, LPI Explanation: Are volcanoes still active on Venus? More volcanoes are known on Venus than Earth, but when Venusian volcanoes last erupted is not directly known. Evidence bolstering very recent volcanism on Venus has recently been uncov...


NASA welcomed 11 new astronauts to its ranks Friday, increasing the number of those eligible for spaceflight assignments that will expand humanity’s horizons in space for generations to come. The new astronauts successfully completed more than two years of required basic training and are the first to graduate since the agency announced its Artemis program. T...


NASA’s next destination in the solar system is the unique, richly organic world Titan. Advancing our search for the building blocks of life, the Dragonfly mission will fly multiple sorties to sample and examine sites around Saturn’s icy moon. Dragonfly is slated to launch in 2026 and arrive in 2034. The rotorcraft will fly to dozens of promising locati...


由NASA组成的卫星团队一直在分析澳大利亚大火产生的气溶胶和烟雾。 VIIIRS红绿蓝图像提供了烟雾的“真彩”视图。(请注意,这些图像并不代表人类从轨道上看到的图像。在这些图像中,已经去除了会增加“蓝色雾”的瑞利散射效应。)尽管有用,但通常很难分辨云层上的烟雾,有时也很难分辨黑暗的海面上的烟雾。 来源:NASA/ColinSeftor 澳大利亚的大火不仅在当地造成破坏。前所未有的条件,包括灼热和历史干燥,导致形成了异常大量的火积云(pyrCbs)事件。火积云基本上是火灾引起的雷暴。它们是由过热的上升气流引起的灰烬,烟雾和燃烧材料的上升引起的。随着这些物质的冷却,形成了类似于传统雷暴的云,但没有伴随的降水。 火积云事件为烟雾到达高空超过10英里(16公里)的平流层提供了途径。一旦进入平流层,烟雾可从其源头传播数千...


2020 January 13 A Desert Eclipse Image Credit & Copyright: Maxime Daviron Explanation: A good place to see a ring-of-fire eclipse, it seemed, would be from a desert. In a desert, there should be relatively few obscuring clouds and trees. Therefore late last December a group of photographers traveled to the United Arab Emirates and Rub al-Khali, the large...


2020 January 12 Stars and Dust in Corona Australis Image Credit & Copyright: CHART32 Team, Processing – Johannes Schedler Explanation: Cosmic dust clouds and young, energetic stars inhabit this telescopic vista, less than 500 light-years away toward the northern boundary of Corona Australis, the Southern Crown. The dust clouds effectively block lig...

NGC 602及后方的天体

2020 January 11 NGC 602 and Beyond Image Credit: X-ray: Chandra: NASA/CXC/Univ.Potsdam/L.Oskinova et al; Optical: Hubble: NASA/STScI; Infrared: Spitzer: NASA/JPL-Caltech Explanation: Near the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy some 200 thousand light-years distant, lies 5 million year young star cluster NGC 602. Surrounded by natal g...