按月归档: 2 月 2020

NASA 2021年预算创新高 并开启新一轮宇航员招募

Credit:NASA 2月10日,NASA局长吉姆·布里登斯汀(Jim Bridenstine)在斯坦尼斯航天中心讨论了2021财年NASA的财政预算。 NASA 2021财年预算额度高达252.46亿美元,比2020年的225.59亿美元多了近12%,这是NASA历史上预算额度最多的年份之一,并且在下图中我们可以看到,往后四年的预算额度都比2021年多。 NASA 2021财年预算 Credit:NASA 阿耳特弥斯计划时间表 Credit:NASA 从上表中我们可以看到,太空发射系统(SLS)和猎户座飞船无人试飞将在2021年的Artemis 1任务中进行,太空发射系统首次载人飞行将在2022年的Artemis 2任务进行,然后在2024年执行Artemis 3任务,也就是载人登陆月球南极。 月球着陆器的...


Twenty-five years ago in Feb. 1995, astronaut Bernard Harris (right) became the first African American to perform a spacewalk. In this image, he and fellow STS-63 astronaut Michael Foale, prepare to exit space shuttle Discovery’s airlock to began their spacewalk. The pair would test new insulation to protect astronauts from the cold, but the Mission Co...


2020 February 12 Star Trails of the North and South Image Credit & Copyright: Saeid Parchini Explanation: What divides the north from the south? It all has to do with the spin of the Earth. On Earth’s surface, the equator is the dividing line, but on Earth’s sky, the dividing line is the Celestial Equator — the equator’s projectio...


1999年,科学家们首次提出了太阳轨道飞行器任务,并计划在2008年至2013年期间执行发射任务,但由于技术困难和一些任务重组,延期至今天发射升空。 太阳轨道飞行器将首次拍摄太阳南北极。 Credit:NASA 历史性的发射 北京时间今天中午12时3分,太阳轨道飞行器发射升空,它将首次拍摄太阳的南北极。 Credit: @ulalaunch 下面是太阳轨道飞行器发射升空画面,在后面的画面(这段视频中没有)中还看到了火箭和满月的合影。 Credit:NASA TV 火箭(中间下方小点)升空后与满月的合影。 Credit:NASA TV 太阳轨道飞行器发射升空53分钟后,星箭分离,随后几分钟,任务小组与太阳轨道飞行器建立了联系。 太阳轨道飞行器发射和部署时序 Credit:ESA ESA接收到的太阳轨道飞行器的频谱...


NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine discusses the fiscal year 2021 budget proposal during a State of NASA address, Monday, Feb. 10, 2020, at Aerojet Rocketdyne’s facility at NASA’s Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. Said Administrator Bridenstine: “The budget proposed represents a 12 percent increase and makes this one of the strongest budg...


Launch of the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter mission to study the Sun from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Feb. 9, 2020. Photo credit: Jared Frankle 2020年2月9日,在佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角空军基地,ESA和NASA联合发射太阳轨道飞行器,以研究太阳。 照片来源:Jared Frankle


A Northrop Grumman Antares rocket carrying a Cygnus resupply spacecraft is seen at sunrise as the Moon sets on Pad-0A, Sunday, Feb. 9, 2020, at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. Northrop Grumman’s 13th contracted cargo resupply mission with NASA to the International Space Station will deliver about 7,500 pounds of science and research, crew s...


2020 February 10 Solar Eclipse over the UAE Image Credit & Copyright: Joshua Cripps Explanation: What’s happening behind that camel? A partial eclipse of the Sun. About six and a half weeks ago, the Moon passed completely in front of the Sun as seen from a narrow band on the Earth. Despite (surely) many camels being located in this narrow band, onl...


Credit:NASA 2月6日,NASA的克里斯蒂娜•科赫(Christina Koch)与两名第61远征队队员一同从国际空间站安全返回地球。 NASA宇航员单次太空飞行时长排行榜,Christina H Koch首次太空飞行时长328天,超过了Peggy Whitson,排行第二,Scott Kelly大叔排行第一。 Credit:NASA 此次降落为科赫328天的空间站生活画上了句号,创造了女性在单次任务中的最长太空停留时间记录,也让研究人员能一探长时间太空飞行对女性的影响,因为NASA计划通过阿尔忒弥斯再次执行载人登月项目,并最终前往火星。 肯尼迪航天中心正在进行阿耳特弥斯1号无人测试飞行,也就是猎户座飞船与太空发射系统火箭的发射测试。策划人员通常会在模拟中引入各种问题,帮助团队获得实际发射所需的经验。...


2020 February 9 To Fly Free in Space Image Credit: NASA, STS-41B Explanation: What would it be like to fly free in space? At about 100 meters from the cargo bay of the space shuttle Challenger, Bruce McCandless II was living the dream — floating farther out than anyone had ever been before. Guided by a Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU), astronaut McCandles...