按月归档: 5 月 2020


2020 May 12 Lyrid Meteors from the Constellation Lyra Image Credit & Copyright: Petr Horálek Explanation: Where are all of these meteors coming from? In terms of direction on the sky, the pointed answer is the constellation of Small Harp (Lyra). That is why the famous meteor shower that peaks every April is known as the Lyrids — the meteors all ap...


2020 May 11 Behind Betelgeuse Image Credit & Copyright: Adam Block, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona Explanation: What’s behind Betelgeuse? One of the brighter and more unusual stars in the sky, the red supergiant star Betelgeuse can be found in the direction of famous constellation Orion. Betelgeuse, however, is actually well in front o...


Credit:NASA 增加现场工作方式的讨论;阿尔忒弥斯I号任务(Artemis I)的发射台已做好准备;地球观测任务有了新的发现……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! 5月6日,在线上“局长问答”(Ask the Administrator)环节中,NASA局长吉姆·布里登斯坦(Jim Bridenstine)和其他负责人谈到了NASA的可能策略,以增加NASA中心和相关设施的现场工作。局长强调说,仍要优先考虑NASA员工的安全,争取谨慎有序地过渡到现场工作。布里登斯坦表示:“我们需要确保在我们缓慢但必要地恢复工作的同时,不仅要在国家的要求下,更要在NASA这个机构的标准下,确保大家的安全;我们机构的员工安全一定是处于首位的。” 目前,NASA仍采取大规模强制性远程办公政策,只有少数任务必须的现场工作,包...


2020 May 10 The Porpoise Galaxy from Hubble Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble, HLA; Reprocessing & Copyright: Raul Villaverde Explanation: What’s happening to this spiral galaxy? Just a few hundred million years ago, NGC 2936, the upper of the two large galaxies shown, was likely a normal spiral galaxy — spinning, creating stars — and mi...


2020 May 9 Full Flower Moonrise Image Credit & Copyright: Tiziano Boldrini Explanation: Rising as the Sun set, the Moon was bright and full in planet Earth skies on May 7 and known to some as a Flower Moon. Near the horizon it does seem to take on rose pink hues of reddened sunlight in this reflective twilight scene. In fact one of the brighter Full Moo...


NASA astronaut Ricky Arnold takes an out of this world “space-selfie” while conducting a spacewalk on March 29, 2018. Before he joined the Astronaut Corps, Arnold was a teacher, who taught all over the world from Malaysia to Romania. As an astronaut he served on STS-119 and aboard the International Space Station’s Expedition 55/56. #Teacher...


Blooming roses at the Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) highlight the Bell X-IE aircraft mounted in front of the main building at the center. The X-1E was one of the first supersonic aircraft and was the last of the X-1 series of aircraft. It was last flown in November 1958 and now resides at the center. The aircraft was developed by NASA’s prede...

生命探测系统部门主管Vance Oyama正在检查阿波罗11号的样本

In this image from 1969, Life Detection Systems branch chief Vance Oyama operates a specially designed soil distribution system, used for dispersing the lunar soil in equal amounts to thousands of petri dishes as part of the lunar biological experiments performed at NASA’s Ames Research Center. Oyama had a long career at NASA and also helped to design experi...


2020 May 8 Long Tailed Comet SWAN Image Credit & Copyright: D. Peach, Chilescope team Explanation: Blowing in the solar wind the spectacular ion tail of Comet SWAN (C/2020 F8) extends far across this 10 degree wide telephoto field of view. Captured on May 2 its greenish coma was about 6 light-minutes from Earth. The pretty background starfield lies near...


2020 May 7 Analemma of the Moon Image Credit & Copyright: Gyorgy Soponyai Explanation: An analemma is that figure-8 curve you get when you mark the position of the Sun at the same time each day for one year. But the trick to imaging an analemma of the Moon is to wait bit longer. On average the Moon returns to the same position in the sky about 50 minute...