2020 May 12 Lyrid Meteors from the Constellation Lyra Image Credit & Copyright: Petr Horálek Explanation: Where are all …
Credit:NASA 增加现场工作方式的讨论;阿尔忒弥斯I号任务(Artemis I)的发射台已做好准备;地球观测任务有了新的发现……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! 5月6日,在线上“局长问答”(Ask the Administrator)环…
NASA astronaut Ricky Arnold takes an out of this world “space-selfie” while conducting a spacewalk on March 29, 2…
Blooming roses at the Armstrong Flight Research Center (AFRC) highlight the Bell X-IE aircraft mounted in front of the main b…
In this image from 1969, Life Detection Systems branch chief Vance Oyama operates a specially designed soil distribution syst…