Much of Mars is covered by sand and dust but in some places stacks of sedimentary layers are visible. In this image, exquisit…
Much of Mars is covered by sand and dust but in some places stacks of sedimentary layers are visible. In this image, exquisit…
2020 June 11 Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1300 Image Credit: Hubble Heritage Team, ESA, NASA Explanation: Big, beautiful, barred …
2020 June 9 Orion over Argentine Mountains Image Credit & Copyright: Nicolas Tabbush Explanation: Do you recognize the c…
用商用飞船“发射美国”(LaunchAmerica);一名NASA宇航员正返回空间站;小行星贝努(Bennu)有了新的近景图像……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! Credit:NASA 5月30日,美国太空飞行开启了新纪元,NASA的Space…
美国宇航局/欧空局哈勃太空望远镜的最新结果表明,早期宇宙中第一批恒星和星系的形成比之前认为的要早。欧洲天文学家还没有发现第一代恒星的证据,也就是所谓的星族Ⅲ,那时宇宙只有5亿年的历史。 探索最早的星系仍然是现代天文学的重大挑战。我们不知道宇宙中最初的…
Almost like snowflakes, the stars of the globular cluster NGC 6441 sparkle peacefully in the night sky, about 13,000 light-ye…
2020 June 5 Dragon over Central Park Image Credit & Copyright: Stan Honda Explanation: Still bathed in sunlight the Inte…