按月归档: 6 月 2020


Credit:NASA NASA今天宣布,毅力号火星车定于北京时间7月17日21时15分(美国东部时间7月17日9时15分),由Atlas V-541火箭在卡角空军基地LC-41平台发射升空。 由于新型冠状病毒的影响,NASA肯尼迪航天中心只邀请少数媒体进行现场报道,美国媒体以及身在美国的国际媒体可以提交申请。 样品缓存系统 阿波罗11号宇航员从月球采集到的样品,是人类有史以来第一次从地球以外的天体带回来的样品。NASA即将发射的毅力号火星车,将从红色火星收集样品,并由后续任务带回地球,月球任务依靠的是宇航员,而火星任务依靠的是有史以来最复杂,最强大,最干净的样品缓存系统(Sample Caching System)。 Credit:NASA 2020年5月20日,肯尼迪航天中心的工程师和技术人员将43个样品管...


Lightning flashes from a storm cloud to strike the ground. Such bolts represent only a small part of the overall phenomenon of lightning. The most powerful activity occurs high above the surface, in Earth’s upper atmosphere. Up there, lightning creates brief bursts of gamma rays that are the most high-energy naturally produced phenomena on the planet. Resear...


The samples Apollo 11 brought back to Earth from the Moon were humanity’s first from another celestial body. NASA’s upcoming Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission will collect the first samples from another planet (the red one) for return to Earth by subsequent missions. In place of astronauts, the Perseverance rover will rely on the most complex,...

NGC 3628

2020 June 4 Portrait of NGC 3628 Image Credit & Copyright: Stefano Cancelli (1963-2020), Paul Mortfield Explanation: Sharp telescopic views of NGC 3628 show a puffy galactic disk divided by dark dust lanes. Of course, this deep portrait of the magnificent, edge-on spiral galaxy puts some astronomers in mind of its popular moniker, the Hamburger Galaxy. ...


挪威斯瓦尔巴群岛北极地区的一个小冰川,由美国宇航局的空中热带对流层顶实验(ATTREX)拍摄。这是冰层加速融化导致淡水资源枯竭的七个地区之一。 来源:NASA/John Sonntag 一项新的研究显示,在全球冰量损失最严重的地区中,有七个正在加速融化,而融化速度的加快正在耗尽数百万人赖以生存的淡水资源。 格陵兰岛和南极洲融化的冰对世界海洋的影响已得到充分证明。但是,导致20世纪海平面上升的最大因素是位于其他七个地区的冰盖和冰川融化:阿拉斯加、加拿大北极群岛、安第斯山脉南部、亚洲高山地区、俄罗斯北极地区、冰岛和挪威群岛斯瓦尔巴特群岛。北极的五个地区是冰量损失最多的地区。 根据NASA喷气推进实验室、加州大学欧文分校以及科罗拉多州博尔德的国家大气研究中心的科学家们的研究,冰的融化速度正在加快,这不仅可能影响到海岸...


A small glacier in the Arctic region of Norwegian archipelago Svalbard, as photographed by NASA’s Airborne Tropical Tropopause Experiment (ATTREX). This is one of the seven regions where ice loss is accelerating, causing the depletion of freshwater resources. Seven of the regions that dominate global ice mass losses are melting at an accelerated rate, ...


2020 June 3 The Dance of Venus and Earth Video & Text Credit: James O’Donoghue (JAXA); Data: NASA, HORIZONS; h/t: Josef Chlachula Explanation: Every time Venus passes the Earth, it shows the same face. This remarkable fact has been known for only about 50 years, ever since radio telescopes have been able to peer beneath Venus’ thick clouds a...


2020 June 2 Novel Coronavirus Attacks Humanity Image Credit & License: NIAID Explanation: Humanity is under attack. The attack is not from large tentacle-flailing aliens, but from invaders so small they can barely be seen, and so strange they are not even clearly alive. All over planet Earth, the human home world, DNA-based humans are being invaded by t...


Credit:NASA 北京时间5月31日22时17分,经过近19个小时的飞行,NASA宇航员Bob Behnken和Doug Hurley乘坐的载人龙飞船抵达空间站,当时空间站位于中国和蒙古边界上方422公里。这是载人龙飞船第二次抵达空间站,并实现了自动对接。 目前这艘龙飞船被命名为奋进号,当奋进号龙飞船成功对接空间站后,NASA宇航员Behnken和Hurley进行了一系列的泄露检查,以确保对接后的飞船在轨安全。 北京时间6月1日1时2分,载人龙飞船的舱门打开,NASA宇航员Bob和Doug进入国际空间站,目前国际空间站里面有5名宇航员。 从左至右分别是,Anatoly Ivanishin, Ivan Vagner, Chris Cassidy, Bob Behnken 和 Doug Hurley。 Cre...


来源:NASA 准备“美国发射”;一架货运飞船抵达空间站;下一个火星探测器的侦查能力……最近新闻速递,尽在「上周NASA」!