按月归档: 9 月 2020


Not every flight director is a legend, but some are. Take Eugene Kranz, for example. His heroic efforts saved the Apollo 13 mission from disaster. He also was an aerospace engineer, fighter pilot in the Korean War, and as Chief Flight Director, he directed missions from the Gemini and Apollo programs, including the first lunar landing mission, Apollo 11. He ...


This NOAA/NASA Suomi NPP satellite image from Sept. 7, 2020, shows the night band image of the Creek Fire at night as well as the smoke from the fire causing lights at night to diffuse or “bloom.” NASA’s satellite instruments are often the first to detect wildfires burning in remote regions, and the locations of new fires are sent directly to lan...


2020年9月10日 Jupiter’s Swimming Storm Image Credit & Copyright: Andy Casely Explanation: A bright storm head with a long turbulent wake swims across Jupiter in these sharp telescopic images of the Solar System’s ruling gas giant. Captured on August 26, 28, and September 1 (left to right) the storm approximately doubles in length during that pe...


Star Trek debuted 54 years ago on Sept. 8, 1966. Fans of the television science fiction series Star Trek were saddened when the show’s final episode aired on June 3, 1969. It seemed like the end of a very short era, as the program had only been on the air for three seasons. But, the show and its influence continue. In the documentary “NASA on the Edge of For...


2020年9月9日 Pleiades: The Seven Sisters Star Cluster Image Credit & Copyright: Raul Villaverde Fraile Explanation: Have you ever seen the Pleiades star cluster? Even if you have, you probably have never seen it as large and clear as this. Perhaps the most famous star cluster on the sky, the bright stars of the Pleiades can be seen without binoculars from ...


2020年9月8日 GW190521: Unexpected Black Holes Collide Illustration Credit: Raúl Rubio (Virgo Valencia Group, The Virgo Collaboration) Explanation: How do black holes like this form? The two black holes that spiraled together to produce the gravitational wave event GW190521 were not only the most massive black holes ever seen by LIGO and VIRGO so far, their mass...


2020年9月7日 The Milky Way over St Michael’s Mount Image Credit: Simon R. Hudson Explanation: Where do land and sky converge? On every horizon — but in this case the path on the ground leads to St Michael’s Mount (Cornish: Karrek Loos yn Koos), a small historic island in Cornwall, England. The Mount is usually surrounded by shallow water, but ...


2020年9月6日 M1: The Crab Nebula from Hubble Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble, J. Hester, A. Loll (ASU) Explanation: This is the mess that is left when a star explodes. The Crab Nebula, the result of a supernova seen in 1054 AD, is filled with mysterious filaments. The filaments are not only tremendously complex, but appear to have less mass than expelled in the...

本周NASA速递(2020.9.4 )

阿耳忒弥斯任务(Artemis)的火箭助推器发动测试;寻找新的飞行负责人;一项地球观测任务确定了发射日期……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! Credit:NASA 9月2日,NASA对一个固体火箭助推器进行了全面测试,它类似用于太空发射系统(Space Launch System,SLS)火箭和猎户座(Orion)飞船的一对火箭助推器,后者将用于前往月球的阿耳忒弥斯任务。在阿耳忒弥斯发射的前2分钟,这两个助推器将提供超过75%的总推力。 NASA正在招聘新的飞行主管,在前往国际空间站(International Space Station)和月球的人类飞行任务中领导训练有素的团队。符合要求的美国公民可以在9月10日之前申请,详情请见nasa.gov/careers。 Credit:NASA 哨兵6号迈克尔...


The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s primary mirror, which will collect and focus light from cosmic objects near and far, has been completed. Using this mirror, Roman will capture stunning space vistas with a field of view 100 times greater than Hubble images. Roman will peer through dust and across vast stretches of space and time to study the universe u...