按月归档: 10 月 2020


2020年10月22日 Tagging Bennu Image Credit: OSIRIS-REx, University of Arizona, NASA, Goddard Scientific Visualization Studio Explanation: On October 20, after a careful approach to the boulder-strewn surface, the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft’s arm reached out and touched asteroid Bennu. Dubbed a Touch-And-Go (TAG) sampling event, the 30 centimeter wide sampling h...


Bennu, a well-preserved, ancient asteroid, is currently more than 200 million miles (321 million kilometers) from Earth and offers scientists a window into the early solar system as it was first taking shape billions of years ago and flinging ingredients that could have helped seed life on Earth. On Tuesday, Oct. 20, 2020, NASA’s OSIRIS-REx sample collection...


This illustration shows the hot, dense, expanding cloud of debris stripped from neutron stars just before they collided. This cloud produces a kilonova; that is an astronomical event that occurs when two neutron stars or a neutron star and a black hole merge into each other. This cloud shows the visible and infrared light. Within this neutron-rich debris, la...


NASA的OSIRIS-REx任务已经做好了接触小行星本努表面的准备。 影像来源:美国国家航空航天局/戈达德/亚利桑那大学 NASA的源光谱释义资源安全风化层辨认探测器(OSIRIS-REx)周二展开了它的机械手臂,这是该机构首次短暂接触一颗小行星,收集小行星表面的尘埃和鹅卵石,并于2023年将其送往地球。 这颗保存完好的古老小行星,名为贝努,目前距离地球超过2亿英里(3.21亿公里)。贝努为科学家们打开了一扇窗口,了解数十亿年前太阳系最初形成时的情况,并为地球提供了可能帮助孕育生命的成分。如果周二的样本采集活动,也就是所谓的“触碰即走”(TAG)提供了足够的样本,能够提供足够的样本,任务团队将命令航天器开始存放珍贵的原始货物,并于2021年3月开始返回地球的旅程。否则,他们将为明年1月的另一次尝试做准备。 “...


2020年10月21日 A Night Sky Vista from Sardinia Image Credit & Copyright: Tomáš Slovinský Explanation: How many famous sky objects can you find in this image? The featured dark sky composite combines over 60 exposures spanning over 220 degrees to create a veritable menagerie of night sky wonders. Visible celestial icons include the Belt of Orion, the Orion ...


2020年10月20日 Saturn and Jupiter over Italian Peaks Image Credit & Copyright: Giorgia Hofer Explanation: Saturn and Jupiter are getting closer. Every night that you go out and check for the next two months, these two bright planets will be even closer together on the sky. Finally, in mid-December, a Great Conjunction will occur — when the two planet...


Two of Orion’s four recently installed solar array wings are exposed and surrounded by the panels that will protect it during launch and ascent. Three spacecraft adapter jettison fairings are being prepared for installation and will be moved into place by technicians with Lockheed Martin, lead contractor for Orion. They will be secured around the spacecraft,...


NASA的毅力号火星车上,RIMFAX正在工作(艺术概念图):毅力号的火星地下探索雷达成像仪(Radar Imager for Mars’ Subsurface Experiment,RIMFAX)使用雷达波探测火星地面,揭示火星地表之下未经探索的世界。 图片来源:NASA /加州理工-喷气推进实验室/挪威国防研究机构(Norwegian Defence Research Establishment,FFI) 美国航空航天局(NASA)最新的漫游车——毅力号(Perseverance)火星车,将在火星表面上使用第一台能够穿透地面的雷达仪器,用于寻找古老微生物曾经存在的痕迹。 2021年2月18日,NASA的火星2020(Mars 2020)毅力号漫游车将降落在红色星球之上,安全着陆之后,毅力号将对杰...


2020年10月19日 A Flight over Jupiter Near the Great Red Spot Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS; Video Processing & License: Kevin M. Gill; Music: Vangelis Explanation: Are you willing to wait to see the largest and oldest known storm system in the Solar System? In the featured video, Jupiter’s Great Red Spot finally makes its appearance 2 minu...


新乘员安全地登上了空间站;另一项空间站任务的发射有了更新;一项关于阿耳忒弥斯(Artemis)的国际协议……最近新闻速递,尽在「本周NASA」! Credit:NASA NASA的凯特·鲁宾斯(Kate Rubins)已安全登上国际空间站,她与第64远征队(Expedition 64)队员、俄罗斯宇航员谢尔盖·雷吉科夫(Sergey Ryzhikov)和谢尔盖·库德·斯维奇科夫(Sergey Kud-Sverchkov),在10月14日从哈萨克斯坦的拜科努尔航天发射场(Baikonur Cosmodrome)升空的几小时之后,受到了空间站里克里斯·卡西迪(Chris Cassidy)和其他人的迎接。 NASA的国际空间站SpaceX第一次载人飞行任务(Crew-1)将于11月上旬或中旬以后发射,这将使Space...