按月归档: 10 月 2020


2020年10月3日 Driving to the Sun Image Credit: Solar Dynamics Observatory, NASA Explanation: How long would it take to drive to the Sun? Brittany age 7, and D.J. age 12, ponder this question over dinner one evening. James also age 7, suggests taking a really fast racing car while Christopher age 4, eagerly agrees. Jerry, a really old guy who is used to estimati...


十月会发生什么?,一轮秋月以及蓝月,火星通宵达旦和一场穿越银河系的旅行。 Credit:NASA JPL 翻译:莫辞莫问的莫、林子杰 不仅一个,在月初和月未,这个月将带来两个圆满月。十月一日的满月被称作收获月,收获月是满月的名字,它最接近九月春分。每年两天中的一天,白天和黑夜长度相等。大多数年的收获月在九月落下,但每隔几年,它就会转移到10月。这个名字可以追溯到美洲原住民和欧洲传统,与收获时间有关。 Credit:NASA JPL Credit:NASA JPL 十月底,三十一号,我们将享受第二次满月。当一个月内有两次满月时,第二个满月往往被称作蓝月,蓝月还有另外一个更为传统的定义,但这是最为人熟知的。请注意这是2020年仅有的两次满月。 Credit:NASA JPL 十月是观察火星的好时机,因为这颗行星现在...


This stunning image by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope features the spiral galaxy NGC 5643 in the constellation of Lupus (the Wolf). Looking this good isn’t easy; 30 different exposures, for a total of nine hours of observation time, together with the high resolution and clarity of Hubble, were needed to produce an image of such high level of detail and ...


Our Aqua satellite captured this composite visible (left) and infrared (right) image on Sep. 29, 2020, which shows that fires and smoke continue to dominate the landscape of the western U.S. The visible image shows the smoke and the infrared image shows the heat from the fires (orange points). The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL Fi...


When Apollo 11 landed on the Moon, the crew brought devices with them called retroreflectors, which are essentially small arrays of mirrors. The plan was for scientists on Earth to aim lasers at them and calculate the time it took for the beams to return. This provided exceptionally precise measurements of the Moon’s orbit and shape, including how it c...


2020年10月02日 Biking to the Moon Image Credit & Copyright: Susan Snow Explanation: As you watched October’s first Full Moon rise last night, the Full Moon closest to the northern autumnal equinox, you were probably asking yourself, “How long would it take to bike to the Moon?” Sure, Apollo 11 astronauts made the trip in 1969, from launch...


2020年10月1日 Solis Lacus: The Eye of Mars Image Credit & Copyright: Damian Peach Explanation: As telescopes around planet Earth watch, Mars is growing brighter in night skies, approaching its 2020 opposition on October 13. Mars looks like its watching too in this view of the Red Planet from September 22. Mars’ disk is already near its maximum appare...